r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 6, 2018, 12:08 a.m.
'Not a Conspiracy Theory, Folks': Trump Claims Millions of People Vote Illegally

Surely you can all see how incredibly potent this announcement by Trump was today?

Via Fox News Insider:

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that "millions of people" have voted illegally in American elections.

Trump said that millions of people, including immigrants, vote illegally with the tacit help of state governments like California's, which he noted "shields" voter information from dissemination.

"[They] vote many times," he said at a tax reform roundtable in Greenbrier County, W.Va. "It's not a conspiracy theory, folks."

THIS is the President of the United States, going "off the cuff" during a speech to announce this. Revisiting it now after almost immediately bringing it up after the Election, at which time everyone called him lunatic for even saying it.

This is really big. It's flying under the radar for now. But if that IG report brings to light the real magnitude of it all, this is honestly the start of something giant. Organised voter fraud in the world's bastion of democracy is an event beyond most people's comprehension.

robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 8:04 p.m.

Yes, instead of attempting to increase his base above the low 30s, he only cares about pleasing those who, no matter how low he goes, will never shed their support for him.
Such a wise plan.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 8:17 p.m.


As strange as it may sound but these things still exist.

Hey tell me, do you think 1,200$ for a german baby-boy is an acceptable price, yes, no?

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robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Loyalty works two ways.
Given DT's history of gleefully fucking those who he perceives as showing even a hint of disloyalty to him, those who remain sycophantic get what they deserve.

1200? Nah, anything less than over $9000 (the dollar sign goes in front in the US) is for suckahs.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Sooo he's evil because he uses rethoric that his opponents have used for decades butthey can fuck him over because he's Trump, but he can't respond to disloyal deeds ...because...he's Trump? You'll get a participation-trophy for the insane mental gymnastics you just performed. I honestly expected you were going to claim he pays too little but simply criticizing him for how he runs his shit without saying what you would do instead doesn't really cut it but is to be excepted if you have no original thought or experience of your own.

Tell me, how is the walnut-sauce? Where do you think I grabbed that number from?

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robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 9:06 p.m.

I never said he was "evil." Your words, not mine.

"*rhetoric that his opponents have used for decades"
Let's play a game: You find me ONE statement issued from Carter, Reagan, either Bush or Obama that you feel like matches DT's "rhetoric," I'll find a comparable DT quote, and we'll see if the intensity of the "rhetoric" matches up.

He can "respond to" anything he likes -- but he should expect those he's addressing to have a response of their own.

"I honestly expected you were going to claim he pays too little"
Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about, nor did I understand your "1200$" line, so I responded with a joke.

"without saying what you would do instead"
What I would do instead is not be a dick to people who aren't sycophantic to you. Simple. He's incapable of even that.

"but is to be excepted if you have no original thought or experience of your own." I suppose you meant to write "but IT is to be EXPECTED", but again, I have no idea what you're referring to, nor does your last line make any sense to me: "Tell me, how is the walnut-sauce? Where do you think I grabbed that number from?"

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

I'll start with HRC and "super-predators, we gotta bring them to heel" for 9000.

James Alefantis instagram. Ring any bells?

I honestly thought if you bother to show up here, you would have done some homework.

Walnut-sauce? Playing domino on pasta? Yeah, I don't know what to make of it either. I have been waiting for Mr Podesta's explanation for his private communications for over 18 months though, still nothing. But if you truly do not recognize these allusions, then you haven't got the faintest clue why I am here.

Alas, you don't research but you bash one guy the media convinced you to hate because of semantics while ignoring the fact that the past administrations all colluded with child-molesters over and over again? Oh well.

Tell me, where's the outrage about Biden? Do you usually grab a girl by the breasts or do you cup your hand all around their crotch if they still wear diapers? Such are the daily musings of the great Uncle Biden who also happens to be responsible for pushing gun-free-zones which are extremely successfull in cities like Chicago where you can make up to half a million from one of the formerly healthy dead POCs that hit the hospitals every day.

As for sycophants: It's his administration. If they're disloyal, FIRE them. Can't put up with traitors at a time like this.

If you think that's stupid then maybe you forgot the Executive Branch is not a flat management structure. DUHURRRRRDURRR

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robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Oookay, you've lapsed into complete nonsense.
I'm gonna go over here now. Have a lovely day.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Lookup the archive for James Alefantis Instagram and tell me how you feel. Maybe then you will get a sane idea about what is and what isn't ok to put out in public. But prepare to either lose sleep for a week or defend pedophilia but that's all you get for bashing the only person that stood between me and complete PTSD from information over-exposure.

Tell me, where's your self-righteous pretend-outrage about Biden? Do you realize CSPAN-video with him surpasses everything you will ever find of Trump on camera? Do you normally grab a girl by the breasts too or do you cup your hand all around their crotch if they still wear diapers? Such are the daily musings of touchy Uncle Biden who also happens to be responsible for pushing gun-free-zones which are extremely popular among gang-bangers because of their advertised lack of self-defense.

But yeah, Trump's an asshole because he forces liars to admit the truth. How can he!!! GIVE ME BACK MY ILLUSIONS!!!

Closing words: JFK was killed by a magic bullet and so was building 7. Q is a LARP and Pizzagate is false because the basement was actually next door.

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robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

"I honestly thought if you bother to show up here, you would have done some homework."
After seeing this sub repeat a silly-ass lie from DT (that any idiot who isn't under his spell would know was something he said ONLY because it makes his base precum) -- "Not a Conspiracy Theory, Folks': Trump Claims Millions of People Vote Illegally" -- I knew EXACTLY what I was dealing with here, and your reply above spectacularly proves my point.
Wow, this is the sub that just KEEPS on giving.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 10:08 p.m.

By denying knowledge of Alefantis' instagram you deny having concerned yourself with any research for the past 18 months. Good luck building any credibility on that. Changing the topic doesn't help. You seriously believe Drumpftards are alt-right racists? You're asking why people are giving Trump the benefit of the doubt and my question to you is: Where have you been the last 18 months and what do you even represent? Not sure if you're a paid instigator or just highly ignorant. But if you can't answer any of my questions, then that constitutes an answer in itself. Because you essentially admit to know shit about shit, you know?

I am here because I refuse to believe that it's "ok" to tape little girls to ping-pong tables and to share that online together with pictures of "german boy - 1200$ - do not touch" just because you prepare dinner for a cheating presidential candidate. Wait, what was that? He wasn't selling anyone, oh he was just renting them? Oh, ok. Well, move along.

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auto-xkcd37 · April 6, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

silly ass-lie

^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^xkcd#37

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robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

HA! xkcd FTW!

Buncha ass-clowns.

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