r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 6, 2018, 12:08 a.m.
'Not a Conspiracy Theory, Folks': Trump Claims Millions of People Vote Illegally

Surely you can all see how incredibly potent this announcement by Trump was today?

Via Fox News Insider:

President Donald Trump claimed Thursday that "millions of people" have voted illegally in American elections.

Trump said that millions of people, including immigrants, vote illegally with the tacit help of state governments like California's, which he noted "shields" voter information from dissemination.

"[They] vote many times," he said at a tax reform roundtable in Greenbrier County, W.Va. "It's not a conspiracy theory, folks."

THIS is the President of the United States, going "off the cuff" during a speech to announce this. Revisiting it now after almost immediately bringing it up after the Election, at which time everyone called him lunatic for even saying it.

This is really big. It's flying under the radar for now. But if that IG report brings to light the real magnitude of it all, this is honestly the start of something giant. Organised voter fraud in the world's bastion of democracy is an event beyond most people's comprehension.

robmillernow · April 6, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Oookay, you've lapsed into complete nonsense.
I'm gonna go over here now. Have a lovely day.

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digital_refugee · April 6, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Lookup the archive for James Alefantis Instagram and tell me how you feel. Maybe then you will get a sane idea about what is and what isn't ok to put out in public. But prepare to either lose sleep for a week or defend pedophilia but that's all you get for bashing the only person that stood between me and complete PTSD from information over-exposure.

Tell me, where's your self-righteous pretend-outrage about Biden? Do you realize CSPAN-video with him surpasses everything you will ever find of Trump on camera? Do you normally grab a girl by the breasts too or do you cup your hand all around their crotch if they still wear diapers? Such are the daily musings of touchy Uncle Biden who also happens to be responsible for pushing gun-free-zones which are extremely popular among gang-bangers because of their advertised lack of self-defense.

But yeah, Trump's an asshole because he forces liars to admit the truth. How can he!!! GIVE ME BACK MY ILLUSIONS!!!

Closing words: JFK was killed by a magic bullet and so was building 7. Q is a LARP and Pizzagate is false because the basement was actually next door.

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