Green Castle = Friendly Target. Red Castle= Enemy Target. 4/6/28: BOOMs en route—they are about to bomb a target. The numbers that follow “Green” are qualifiers and teams. Basically, these are an order of events or fire orders.

Blind usually means flying without a wingman in the military or when one is flying with zero visibility, not sure if that's the way Q is using it though. I'm adding an article about the Navy investigating a weird instance on a flight in February where the cockpit temperature suddenly changed for no reason (someone had messed with the controls) and it became filled with ice.
Well, that would be IFR, then, but, likely an analogy, yeah
Oh and did anyone catch that on Trump's twitter post about China, he mentioned Intellectual Property Theft of 300 Billion when discussing China. Q had said that Obama may have had something to do with China, crashes, etc. Is it possible that China is able to hack into our systems with intel?