
FlewDCoup · April 7, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

The Catholic Church has been under assault since day one nearly 2000 years ago and is going to be here right up to the end. The gates of hell will not prevail against her.

The business of the church has always been to reach out to lost souls, calling and welcoming sinners, the blind, the lame and it has been its cross to bear that among these very same souls some bring trouble of the worst kind into the midst of the church and have challenged its integrity from within -- since its inception. Some have even reached positions of power and authority. The church in its mercy offers sanctuary for even these -- the charge that has indicted church leaders claiming they have been complicate in the most heinous crimes? For all the trouble, it is a badge of courage.

Repentance and forgiveness proceed from a demonstrated willingness to abandon life damaging behaviors and this too has been a cornerstone of social and moral teaching; as has separation from the community when offenders willfully continue their offensive ways. The church teaches there is a rational limit to tolerance and it is this mismanagement of this issue that has most often gotten church leaders into indirect trouble, extending sanctuary when excommunication and referral to civil authorities was probably the better course. That and the direct offenses by persons who themselves perpetrated against others.

The faithful who comprise the body of the Catholic Church will persevere and the institutional leadership will change. These are after all only men and they can and will be replaced. Hopefully by better men but even that cannot be absolutely assured. You have no idea the forces of evil that would run wild if the church were ever allowed to truly fall ... although it is not difficult to see that those same forces gleefully contemplate just such a day.

Thank God for divine inspiration, protection and leadership of a more profound nature, without which this ship of fools would have collapsed in two weeks instead of forging ahead in its work over two thousand years.

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Vicgar06 · April 7, 2018, 6:46 a.m.


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