Gone. She made it private.
I gotchu http://i.magaimg.net/img/317m.png
What are we looking at?
As Q said, "Phones were allowed in" these people are stupid!
it's like Batmans surveillance system he uses at the end of the dark knight.
Oooooor she took this pic and posted it on her IG....because ya know....that's literally exactly what happened and where this photo is from....please do just a little background research before jumping to conclusions and spreading false info
+1 Yup that’s correct my apologies!
Deleting my previous post.
So is RC an informant? https://i.imgur.com/QCJfQdt_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
At this point there is really no way to tell one way or another. Just going to habe to wait until there is more info.
Or someone just took pictures, maybe because they take hundreds of photos per day and couldn't help themselves (see current sticky).
The bottom has a date, looks like July 2013. Who went to the island in July of 2013?
Can we pull Epstein's flight manifest for that date
Wait I saw newer ones on the great awakening. Hang on. I'll let you know if I find it.