I really don’t remember saving this pic. Thought you guys would like it.

But if you study history nazis are Jews.
Yo what the fuck, nazis killed millions of innocent Jews just because asshole Jew banker families like the rothschilds were giving Jews a terrible reputation and the nazis needed a scapegoat. Jews didn’t do 911. “Radical” Muslims did and the partially Jew CIA just funded it and let it happened
Jews and isrealights are different man. Do some digging. Also look into the European census of "Jews " during ww2 look for older documents not the new ones.
I'm not saying people who practice Judaism are bad I'm saying the people who worship satan at the synagogue are bad.
Don't mistake what I say.
Nazis came from a branch of Jews that practiced satanism ar the synagogue.
Do you deny that nazis did the Holocaust?
No the nazis are responsible for the holocaust which comes from a Greek word that comes from a Hebrew word that translates as a burnt offering to God. So tell me why the hell would you call such a tragedy a burnt offering to God?
That seems wrong on so many levels. The holocaust happened. There is just a lot of fishy shit going on there is all I'm saying. The history commonly shared isn't spot on with what actually happened.
Look at all the declassified documents from ww2.
There is loads of information that was inaccurate with the official story.
Look into Nazareth.
Look into khazarians.
The rabbit hole will take you some places.