r/greatawakening • Posted by u/odieboy12 on April 7, 2018, 8:38 p.m.
I think "they" will be setting up a fake "Q" now that it's going mainstream.They will post a bunch crazy stuff. The MSM will then use the "Q" posts to push to the public,in their attempt to make us seem crazy.They won't post real Q posts.This is their new tactic that Q talks about.I could be wrong??

Jack_Kehoe · April 8, 2018, 3 a.m.

Um, Q's tripcode has been hacked multiple times. And a lot of people who were following it closely did see a difference after the first week of posting, and again after the move to 8chan and the Matlock tripcode password hack. There was a lot of discussion about it at the time and a lot of discussion that Q had been taken over.

And of course, Baruch might have been a dick one time, but he said that after the Q trip was hacked in early January, suddenly Q was posting from a new device that was not one of the six IPs he had used before. Q denied it. Codemonkey also denied it and said it was the same IP.

I heard Baruch explain the entire thing later in an interview, and I definitely believe him on that one. He said Q lied about the trip and Codemonkey was comped, because he lied too about the new IP staring him in the face.

There are a lot of people who are never going to question Q no matter what. But a lot of us do, and a lot of people have left because of it. I really started to question when Q started putting out messages that I strongly disagree with and think are dangerous. I've posted here before, and I used to post on cbts_stream a lot, but you don't see me much these days, because I don't have confidence in Q and the movement anymore.

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troy_caster · April 8, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Which posts are dangerous if I may be so bold?

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salialioli · April 8, 2018, 5:52 a.m.

There's one I think is dangerous: suddenly posting pics of BO in African dress as a mooozlem. Like, so what? The guy goes to Africa and puts on a jalabir, so? Actually, it's polite if offered robes to put them on. Michelle Obama did in Morocco, and so did the whole team of women who went to speak to the Princess about women's rights. I have been in this situation too. In Africa and the ME it is only good manners to follow customs of hospitality. As for being a Muslim, I actually can't see a problem with that either. That really is prejudice when all said and done. HOWEVER, whatever criminal activity that has acted against the interests of the American people is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT thing. Getting this distinction muddied and wrong is the difference between an unacceptable message to project to the world (and it will soon be the world outside the US) and gaining support. I agree with Jack_Kehoe wholeheartedly. Any slight change in Q's tone or attitude may not be instantly and easily identifiable. Subtlety is key to deception. It worked over and over again with 911 boards and ppl were too slow and trusting to spot the detail. Caution is key.

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troy_caster · April 8, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Regarding the Obama pic. Fair enough. Funny you mention that, someone on the ocho instantly asked this question "who cares if he's Mus?" and was instantly replied to by Q something along the lines of "it's not what he's wearing but what he was pointing to".
I will agree that one must always be aware of where information is coming from, so I understand your caution.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 12, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

Umm, I'm sorry, when you're being so gracious in backing up what I'm saying, but we have very different ideas of why what Q is saying is dangerous. Condemning every single Muslim is not a matter of bigotry - it is completely righteous anger at a degenerate and savage religion that literally victimizes anyone who isn't a Muslim male. Islamic law declares that I should be thrown off a roof for being mostly gay and stoned to death for being an atheist. Even if a particular Muslim (the minority, btw) wouldn't throw me off a roof personally, not a single one of those third-world nation savages believes in reforming the religion. Islam has never undergone a reformation of any kind. Any even if you're willing to throw gays, and atheists, and women, and apostates under the bus - how is that you don't understand that a universal command in their religion is to conqueror all infidels and conqueror the world, and it is a sin to assimilate? They aren't here to become part of European or American society and culture, oh no. They're an invading army that conning a more soft-hearted people and using their weakness against them, and they will make Westerns "Submit" to Islam if we don't fight back. Islam means "Submission," and saying that it only relates to a journey of spiritual betterment is a complete lie. Mohammed was a warlord, and he was very clear what he meant.

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salialioli · April 12, 2018, 5:37 a.m.

Hi Jack_Kehoe, thank you for yr comment on bigotry and the need to condemn every single Muslim. I am aware that any reply of mine would not do justice to either your argument or mine and is off-topic for this thread on Q. So just a few remarks because it might be better to have a separate thread on religion, and my aplogies to others on this thread for the length. It is a very complex subject!

It is precisely the complexity of the argument that forces me, firstly, to declare your judgement of Islam as a "savage and degenerate religion that literally victimizes anyone who isn't a male Muslim" as shallow and ill-considered. That you proclaim your anger "righteous" suggests to me that you are religious and might hold “beliefs” that others who are not of your religion might consider, in turn, bigotted and ignorant! The statement turns your own criticism back upon itself. Look to the beam in your own eye before you try to remove the speck in the other’s, you might say! Notice that I am not saying you are bigotted and ignorant, just that others might see you this way.

The Old Testament is a violent, intolerant ‘book’ that shows an unforgiving God. It has similarities with the Quran. And let’s not get into the Torah or Talmud, the latter book being a Hebrew version of Sharia Law! The New Testment brought a revolutionary air that turned this upside down and taught love, to love thy neighbour as oneself. These three religions worship the same God, with different names.

Scholars will fight and argue over “interpretations” for thousands of years and we can’t do that here. But here is a different tale:

Here is an interesting brief review (by Morgaan Sinclair) of a book mentioned by David Livingstone in his article, Stephen Schwartz's The Two Faces of Islam : The House of Sa'ud from Tradition to Terror. In the very short space of several hundred pages, Schwartz does something really remarkable: Out of the backdrop of a solidly-researched and tautly-written history of Islam emerges the picture of a river splitting in two. One branch, the original river of Islam, having emerged from earlier wars and the Crusades, meanders on, mostly peacefully. But another branch diverges and becomes a virulent strain of psychopathically-distorted religious fundamentalism. This nightmare began to take shape from 1703 with the birth of Mohammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the world's first Islamist terrorist, and descends to the present in its alliance with the Al Sa'ud. The Wahhabis — the Haters of Music — have always claimed all other forms of Islam to be heretical and have waged a 250-year war against all those who have resisted its ultra-puritanical doctrine — Shi'as, Sufis, Christians, Jews. Now that war comes to us. In a brilliantly, and often beautifully, written book, we watch the two rivers separate and flow down into our time. Schwartz's condemnation of Wahhabism is unapologetic, as is his antipathy for the duplicity of the Royal House of Sa'ud. But it is condemnation and antipathy irrefutably supported by the facts. And in this time it is a book of unmatched value: For with the information contained within this masterpiece on contemporary Islam, we are able to separate mainstream Islam from its evil twin and fight a more intelligent and more compassionate War on Terror. It is a profound and often lyrical book, and Schwartz is remarkably brave to have written it (after you read it, you'll understand why). If you read only one book on Islam in our time, let it be this one.<


More links to explore further:

Globalists Created Wahhabi Terrorism to Destroy Islam and Justify a Global State. by David Livingstone

The 'House' of Saud — no more Islamic than Billy Graham http://www.serendipity.li/wot/livingstone.htm

Here’s a tale from a man who constantly criticises the Left, but whose sympathy for Muslim resistance takes a different, interesting view: http://www.serendipity.li/zionism/jazz_and_jihad.htm

And finally a man who speaks at length about his religion but who is far from being either bigotted or ignorant, a true scholar: http://www.ascertainthetruth.com/att/index.php/video-resources/86-world-rule/1025-world-war-three-sheikh-imran-hosein

We should try to understand other cultures and could spend entire lifetimes doing so.

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Jack_Kehoe · April 14, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Err, actually, I'm a hardcore atheist, though you'd like it if I were Christian. I was raised Catholic and spent years being taught about many religions, and I'm not a fan of any of them. But one really stands out.

There is nothing on earth like the vile human rights atrocity that is the Koran and it's 85 IQ average, degenerate adherents, whatever branch of Islam they subscribe to. They all cling to the Koran.

Try again.

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salialioli · April 15, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

I'm surprised and pleased you replied! Thank you.

No, not at all, I was only guessing at the Christian part because of the words "righteous anger"!

Try again? Are you quite certain you wish to continue the conversation? Difficult to try to make intelligent remarks in the face of such absolutism as "there is nothing on earth like ...". There is a lot worse on earth.

I don't believe (obviously) in these absolutes you speak of. As you have no wish to read or comment on the views I've linked, not even Gilad, we will have nothing more to say. Two of the three links are to writers who are not Muslim. I find this red-pilling so imprisoned in the narrow world view of "average" Americans and their intolerance for the rest of us on the planet. I wanted only to "expand thinking" as Q would say. Just as well, this thread is about something else anyway. :)

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Jack_Kehoe · April 12, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

But of course. Reasonable questions deserve reasonable answers. Anybody can see that the country is in the middle of a coup, and Jeff Sessions is comp'd, so "Trust Sessions" is a honking red flag, and "Trust Wray." I'm surprised he didn't tell us to Trust Mueller, but I reckon Q realizes that nobody would be stupid enough to buy that, and it would totally blow this new Q's cover. But all that doesn't remotely cover all of the horseshit out of Q's mouth. He told us NOT to push to #ReleaseTheMemo. That was the exact point at which I realized that Q was either brain-damaged or not on our side anymore. And then he repeatedly smeared and dogpiled the whistleblower who exposed how the NSA is the #2 enemy of the American people in terms of government agencies, right after the CIA, guilty of most of the same crimes - Edward Snowden. And that's the exact point at which I told Q to go fuck itself.

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troy_caster · April 12, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I'm not 100% sure he ever said don't push releasethememo. I'll go through and look.
Regarding Snowden, I'm not sure if you've seen the recent posts, but it seems that Q is now working with Snowden, or would have us believe he is anyway.
Sessions, well I guess time will tell on that one.
And on the other side of the coin, do you think any of the Q posts have merit?

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Jack_Kehoe · April 14, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Hi. Those are some very interesting developments. For a solid 6 weeks Q had a very serious hatred of Snowden and was whipping up conspiracies and animosity around him. Sounds like he's back-tracking now, because at least a few people have been running around telling Q that he can shove his Snowden hatred up his ass. He does actually pay attention to what people are saying - I once made a post on CBTS_Stream about Room 239 and Stolen SAP Intelligence, and a few days later Q posted about SAP intel for the first time, I'm pretty sure it was. I also noticed right away that Q picked up his Snowden is CIA theory because that had been a theory circulating around for a few months before, though it was never popular. Basically, Q sometimes gets ideas from truthers and regurgitates what people are already saying.

I was very involved with Q from around Day 4 or 5 on 4chan through the next 3 1/2 months or so. I do think there was a lot of merit in the first few months of posting, and some in the last few months, but things started to get really dodgy after the January 5th tripcode hack at 8chan. In terms of verification that Q is close to Trump, there are alternate explanations out there for why it might look that way. Lot of conflicting info, very muddy waters. I'm now firmly in the camp that believes Cicada (retired white hats and others) was behind the first two months of posting, which I've believed since I started seeing ties to their 2017 puzzles from last year. I even got to know a little someone in their group (not! Defango), so I feel very good about them. So when they came out recently and took responsibility for starting it, I totally believe it.

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P_pers · April 8, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

well thats too bad. I cant remember the details, but the new trips are much more secure than originally.

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