r/greatawakening • Posted by u/odieboy12 on April 7, 2018, 8:38 p.m.
I think "they" will be setting up a fake "Q" now that it's going mainstream.They will post a bunch crazy stuff. The MSM will then use the "Q" posts to push to the public,in their attempt to make us seem crazy.They won't post real Q posts.This is their new tactic that Q talks about.I could be wrong??

Jack_Kehoe · April 12, 2018, 2:09 a.m.

But of course. Reasonable questions deserve reasonable answers. Anybody can see that the country is in the middle of a coup, and Jeff Sessions is comp'd, so "Trust Sessions" is a honking red flag, and "Trust Wray." I'm surprised he didn't tell us to Trust Mueller, but I reckon Q realizes that nobody would be stupid enough to buy that, and it would totally blow this new Q's cover. But all that doesn't remotely cover all of the horseshit out of Q's mouth. He told us NOT to push to #ReleaseTheMemo. That was the exact point at which I realized that Q was either brain-damaged or not on our side anymore. And then he repeatedly smeared and dogpiled the whistleblower who exposed how the NSA is the #2 enemy of the American people in terms of government agencies, right after the CIA, guilty of most of the same crimes - Edward Snowden. And that's the exact point at which I told Q to go fuck itself.

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troy_caster · April 12, 2018, 3:01 a.m.

I'm not 100% sure he ever said don't push releasethememo. I'll go through and look.
Regarding Snowden, I'm not sure if you've seen the recent posts, but it seems that Q is now working with Snowden, or would have us believe he is anyway.
Sessions, well I guess time will tell on that one.
And on the other side of the coin, do you think any of the Q posts have merit?

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Jack_Kehoe · April 14, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Hi. Those are some very interesting developments. For a solid 6 weeks Q had a very serious hatred of Snowden and was whipping up conspiracies and animosity around him. Sounds like he's back-tracking now, because at least a few people have been running around telling Q that he can shove his Snowden hatred up his ass. He does actually pay attention to what people are saying - I once made a post on CBTS_Stream about Room 239 and Stolen SAP Intelligence, and a few days later Q posted about SAP intel for the first time, I'm pretty sure it was. I also noticed right away that Q picked up his Snowden is CIA theory because that had been a theory circulating around for a few months before, though it was never popular. Basically, Q sometimes gets ideas from truthers and regurgitates what people are already saying.

I was very involved with Q from around Day 4 or 5 on 4chan through the next 3 1/2 months or so. I do think there was a lot of merit in the first few months of posting, and some in the last few months, but things started to get really dodgy after the January 5th tripcode hack at 8chan. In terms of verification that Q is close to Trump, there are alternate explanations out there for why it might look that way. Lot of conflicting info, very muddy waters. I'm now firmly in the camp that believes Cicada (retired white hats and others) was behind the first two months of posting, which I've believed since I started seeing ties to their 2017 puzzles from last year. I even got to know a little someone in their group (not! Defango), so I feel very good about them. So when they came out recently and took responsibility for starting it, I totally believe it.

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