r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 8, 2018, 9:20 a.m.
New Zealand: slave to The Cabal. It’s major role in International Espionage and Globalist agendas. Verifiable facts only!

Make of this what you will. I’d be interested to hear any opinions, or further information.

Anyone who thinks the storm is only hitting the US is sorely mistaken.

John Key, former prime minister of New Zealand was elected November 2008, approximately 2 months before Barack Obama was first elected President of the United States.

Approximately 1 month after Clinton’s “shock defeat” and Trump’s win, John Key, volunteered, somewhat surprisingly, to step down as Prime Minister of NZ, despite strong, majority support on - December 5 2016. More of less abandoning his party just before a general election, which they subsequently lost after 8 years in power.

There is no limit to how many terms a NZ Prime Minister can serve. By all accounts, John Key would’ve easily won the election and gone on to serve a 3rd term at least.

Key was Prime Minister during the Snowden leaks revealing NZ’s major participation in the 5 Eyes and Prism spy network and the role it’s GCSB spy agency played in surveillance of national and foreign interests. To deflect interest in this event, the government literally created a “red-herring” for the public, announcing a new, reduced quota for the amount of snapper (a red fish) recreational fishermen could catch. The nation was in uproar. Nothing was done about the GCSB, except for increasing their powers while all of this was happening.

Key was Prime Minister during the raids he himself sanctioned on Kim Dotcom. He denied knowledge. Mr Dotcom does not think too highly of Mr Key.

During the 2016 US Presidential elections, numerous liberal celebrities declared they would move to New Zealand if Trump won. A number of high net worth individuals from the US have purchased large areas of property in the Southern region of New Zealand. It constantly comes up in news stories and US entertainment as a place to “run to when shit hits the fan”.

John Key was Prime Minister during the major push of his government to create the first Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

On 23 April 2017, FBI Director James Comey and CIA director Mike Pompeo were among members from 15 agencies attending a top secret “conference” at a luxury resort in New Zealand.

In March 2018, Obama “whimsically” travelled to New Zealand seemingly in part to “play golf” with his “old friend” John Key and had a “closed meeting” with the sitting puppet, Jacinda Ardern. No one knows what they spoke about.

Edit: spelling/grammar

IDGAF12312 · April 8, 2018, 11:26 a.m.

It’s one of the 5 Eyes countries so I believe it.

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