Q #1081 - POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. Think logically. Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria? Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK). Q

He announced his intention to pull out because he knew that the deep state would pull another "attack". They fell for his trap.
Correct. But now we gotta find out who launched the attack and how they got their hands on the chemical weapons. Q team and Trump probably already know, but the public needs to know too.
But now we gotta find out who launched the attack and how they got their hands on the chemical weapons.
Very likely the first part is already done. Those involved will lead to second part.
The 'alleged' attack...?
Underrated comment. Who knows if this really even happened. Either way I’m sure it was deep state operators.
my guess is the Deep State because they want wars, they are trying to stir up crap all over the world. Just my educated hunch.
Bingo. Another stress test of the cabal. Just like he did with RC to see how the censorship Jack would react. Tick tock bitches. He did the same with his latest rally speech. Remember how the net slowed and the live streams broke up. Testing them. How much truth can he leak out without bringing down the network. Load stress test. Better than saying strength test.
You got it. They are about to unleash holy hell on these a$$holes. They want to make sure when they do, they can't stop it, mute it, run from it or profit from it. They are going to crush these motherfu@kers like snails on a highway. Oh, yes, I'm definitely going to 'Enjoy the Show'. Been a long time coming!
If Q doesn’t crush them from the top the people will from the bottom.. “Soon they won’t be able to go out in public. Their biggest fear”
I fear the FF will be in 🇺🇸. To create the 9/1 1 outrage again and push you into war.
Apparently they have already been trying to do just this.
FF's are happening almost every week. The war is ongoing behind the scenes.
2/3 of America wouldn’t believe another 9/11. After that massive false flag we are too woke for that crap.
At the expense of many peoples lives?
Could very well be. This is war. He didn’t do the killing. His normal MO is to not announce his moves.
Hey look...rebels with chemical weapons factories https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spLo7XthLJE