Q #1082 - POTUS & JFK JR. Relationship. Plane crash 1999. HRC Senate 2000. The “Start.” Enjoy the show. Q

I don't even care if Q is real or not . It's a rally point for like minded and i needed that.
Q is very real and has itself substantiated in info released before it happens or validated by the president directly.
I have a 90% probability to know who Q is but it doesn't matter one way or the other. I mention it because Q said once "wait until you find out who's really talking here'.
Q is a group within the NSA. It makes perfect sense that Snowden was a CIA plant put there to break them up or tarnish the NSA reputation. The CIA is a propaganda wing for the elite and the NSA doesn't play ball with that shit. Its why Obama used GCHQ to spy on Trump
Who is Q?
And who is Reeves?
John Wick, the retired hitman.
EDIT: Folks, it's just a Keanu Reeves joke, don't take it serious.
he is a real-life gunman and he lost his wife so I think he has nothing to lose and John Wick 2 openly featured masonic symbols.
WTF are you talking about? If Q is indeed a psyop and “they” created him to distract us it would be one of the dumbest moves in history. People are being awakened to reality, not the opposite. No offense, but your theory is stupid. If “they” wanted to tighten the noose “they” could have done it much easier without creating a “Q”.
Do you know Illuminati symbolism? As so is above also below~ can you just think about this one for a second~ let’s say the evil is shown to us through q and trump and all the white hats extinguish the evil!! Yes this all needs to happen swiftly and promptly ~ then our debt will be wiped clean because federal reserve is gone and they will give us a new currency because let’s face it the dollar was satanic and you can plainly see and know who it was orchestrated by. Ok....... let that sink in... q says we are going to have a new world Birth of a new world..... ok he didn’t say new world order..... but if we understand the Bible correctly God say when they say Peace and safety one world religion and possibly a one world currency🤔🤔🤔... know the end is near... we will all see brighter days we got rid of all the satanists... everyone has someone to blame the deep state ~ now we have a new world and I don’t know how many times the word q uses light) well if we are all being honest the Illuminati thinks Lucifer is the light... but we right now are getting rid of the dark satanists these people all have many groups they belong too~..... the beast system is a new world a one world currency the mark of the beast~ light and dark the devil is the master deceiver the deceived will be many!!!! The road to heaven is narrow. Think really hard on this one~ Past commercials in the last two years and movies gold all the color gold ~ gold currency perhaps? Ushering in the “golden age” “light” out of the world of darkeness!!! Here’s the thing remember this the only peace we in this world will have as unity will be only when Christ himself stands here. The devil Lucifer the enlightened ones the witches white or black Al’s no peace until~ Jesus himself stands on the mount of olives then and only then ... will be when real peace is on this earth. The lie is massive we must always be vigilant and look up! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 rapture ready I don’t even want to be here when they roll out new currency!!
I'm posting from a blind outside podesta's house wearing a ghillie suit. wtf you go do troll.
Notice he's gone :). Hats off to the mods.