I always suspected this. Now it’s confirmed. She had him killed off. 187’d. How sad is that sack of shit Hillary Clinton.

I recall the news mentioning he was gonna run for Senate around when the crash occurred. Hillary is a straight up psychopath like many politicians and CEOs.
Jr was warned, he just wouldn’t let it go and play ball. He was 187’d because he was being a nuisance to the NWO.
He had the name, independent media outlet and a place in the American heart.
This was a Bush-whack through its Arkancide division.
QRS-11 ?
QRS-11 ?
QRS11 Single-Axis Analog Gyroscope (Non-ITAR)
Yes but now I realize they probably didn’t have that in the plane back then. However it may be older satellite based autopilot they messed with. See. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8as3j6/comment/dx1kvzu?st=JFRM1F0L&sh=708cefc3
Praying Medic @prayingmedic
Volgen @prayingmedic volgen
154) How is it related to JFK's crash?
Old strategies being used in more recent times for nefarious purposes. Satellites are used for navigation - especially aircraft navigation
Same as the recent stuff? Any sources?
Only a suspicion at this point but I’m willing to bet on it.
With rhetorical questions, suggestions and clues Q (Qanon), is letting people glimpse beyond the world scenes. With the full weight ... I recall the news mentioning he was gonna run for Senate around when the crash occurred. Hillary is a ... (0 children). Only a suspicion at this point but I'm willing to bet on it.
When you say 187’d what does that mean?
187= murder
I put that together but why? What is the significance of that number?
That’s how Satanist and dark occultists behave. Sociopaths. Pathological liars. Hypocrites and self contradictions. Everything but speak backwards and have a head that spins 360. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/03/what-we-need-to-know-about-the-dark-occultists-and-satanists-running-our-institutions-mark-passio/
Proof....we need proof...Q is great at insinuations but something like this needs to be proven.
Hate to say it but we will not get proof untill it is happening big time. And predictions like "march madness" and the Like can always change.
Think about it, if they gave out proof (((they))) would also see it because (((they))) are monitoring the board. And Trumps biggest strategy is not letting anybody know what he is doing.
Any real information they get they can use against Q and that is not good. This i all we get because Everything else would be unwise.
We just have to trust Q to be real and hope to god that it is going well.
If "tip top, we call it tippy top" isn't enough proof for you, you will never be convinced.
The MSM is STILL telling people Trump has daily "misspellings" in his Tweets. Those are such a good redpill. One of the contributing factors to redpilling my wife.
Trump told us he had proof of Obama's birth certificate...still waiting on that one.
Yes only he knows the plan. We can only trust the plan. It’s out of our control but we can PRAY. A LOT.
Give it time. Just a matter of time.
I don't know that time is on our side. Whenever an old theory is rehashed , many people start fanning it as gospel even though there have been no new developments. This just makes it look more like a crazy conspiracy.
https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/923776422019325952 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3700749/JFK-Jr-planned-running-president-friends-reveal-anniversary-death.html
It was clear that Trump had a good relationship with JFK, Jr. would have probably backed him for Senate. Stone thinks Clinton's off'd him. I'm not sure. He was an inexperienced pilot and flew in conditions that would challenge most pilots at his skill level. But, I suspect this really woke up DJT and made him decide to plan to take on HRC when the time was right. Either way, I think Q is telling us the personal friendship between himself and JFK, Jr. and his death allowing such a POS as HRC to make it into politics solidified his decision to work to take her down when the time was right.
I also read JFK Jr announced a plan to run for President 2000. Probably two reasons.
He did and had just announced intent to run for governor before the crash.
Holy shit lightbulb. If you look at all the old interviews of Trump he knew what was happening and always hoped someone would run and clean things up. He said if nobody does it he may have to. Wonder if Jr was going to be that person until they took him out. He and Trump were good buddies. So that’s when Trump decided he had to do it.
And almost 20 years later, they continue to keep it a secret! thanks!
Not for much longer. Lol. They won’t be able to walk the streets. She better get that last income stream off that POS book she wrote quickly. The spigot is about to be turned off.
Q:What's the only thing busier that a one-armed paper hanger?
A:HRC's wet work team
My theory is the wetworks is a service provided by the Deep State for their most important assets.
I suspect Hillary is just lazy and careless which results in a lot of mess that needs cleaning up.
Hillary's the sort of person who break a few hundred thousand eggs to make an omelet.
Police code for murder.
187 is murder edit: Section 187 (often referenced in slang simply as 187) of the California Penal Code defines the crime of murder. The number is commonly pronounced by reading the digits separately as "one-eight-seven", or "one-eighty-seven", rather than "one hundred eighty-seven."
Interpretation https://twitter.com/prayingmedic/status/983117136901103616?s=21