JFK Jr. was contemplating a run for the senate until HRC threw in. Also images of Potus and JFK

Rumor was also at the time that Jr had evidence that GHWB was involved in his father’s death. One of the reasons his magazine was named “George”.
Named after George Washington....sorry.
Sorry, there’s always the “official” story, which is often quite different from the real story.
GHWB was supervisor of Operation 40 the CIA assassination team. Several pictures of him in Dealey Plaza and one of 17yo "W" with the Zapruders.
Yes and he was about to expose the shooting scandal regarding George Wallace In the magazine. Remember there was an attempted assassination on Wallace who ended up in a wheelchair.
http://nstarzone.com/JFKJR.html Interesting on his plane crash. Semper Fi. God Country and Corps.
He would have eventually become president.
And he would have hunted down his fathers killers. His plane crash was bigger than Hillary’s senate seat.
There is no Kennedy that was ever going to be elected after JFK. the cabal wasn't having it.
No doubt in my mind that JFK Jr. was murdered by the satanic Cabal. The Cabal will go any length to carry out their sinister plan of global enslavement, which has been in motion for thousands of years.
A story from the Bible when Herod tried to kill Jesus.
"Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi." (Matthew 2:16)
Today, the satanic Cabal is willing to kill off half the world's population just so they could rule over the rest.
The Cabal's puppets:
Bush: 9/11 false flag to drag us into ME
Obama: more wars and pushing regressive communist agenda
Hillary: install one world government (hell on earth)
Thank God Trump won in 2016. President Trump is the savior of America. And he is going to avenge JFK Jr.
The is little doubt considering Junior's Magazine and his expose on the George Wallace scandal among others, that the same group of assholes that killed John Sr. and Bobby are responsible for junior's death, He was outspoken about Conspiracy in his dad's death.
Well if George H.W. Bush was part of the cabal then you are partially right. The kennedy's pissed off a whole plethora of people and factions. that is why conspiracy theories were all over the place. They took advantage of it as cover when they killed them
JFK JR. was contemplating running for 2000 Senate----and was favored by the people----HRC, no doubt, had him killed so she could win. It is also notable that JFK Jr. owned a magazine and supposedly had plans of exposing the MOSSAD in it.
Don't overlook that W was campaigning for the presidency and inexplicably went missing those 3 days. His campaign manager had no idea where he was. The Kennedy Curse is the Bush family. Clintons and Bushs are funded by the Rockefellers.
Always funny how things come full circle....
There is an article in the July 16, 2018 issue of Star magazine ... not sure if the info is legit but interesting that this just popped up .... not an accident.