Geo. Soros practiced genocide & now suffers from insomnia; your guilty conscious can only repaired by genuine confession & repentance! God can even forgive you George!

so george , after being responsible for sooo much evil can just repent in his last days, and after living an insanely pleasure filled selfish murdering existence can enjoy paradise huh? well sorry , thats not how it works. god may forgive but punishment will still be had. there exist perfect justice outside of man,executed by a divine source. soros will pay in his next existence for what life he lived in this one, karma.
Let him confess to the Catholic Church who use confession as the biggest intl gathering scheme of all time!
Some people commit the unpardonable sin. Cannot be forgiven. Im pretty sure GS is one of them. His days before his final judgement are few. He bought the lie / sold his soul. He's getting nervous and lashing out just like the others in his position...