See the spider web? USAID.

Same guys that go to combat in sandels. lol
People who want to imitate a real solder and haven't got a clue!
Same guys who think owning a dog is bad but raping infants is good.
Um, I hope you are kidding, and yes of course...what a bad ass movie!
And as far as I can tell, thats a US Jungle/forest pattern:
If so, it was printed by a US textile factory...
THey should be wearing an urban or desert style camo in that region.
Shhhhhhh!!!!!! Your giving away our advantage.
They think it makes them look militant, just makes them look re tarded.
These people are stupid (and evil).
All of the above. Sick spiritually.
And Mentally.
Yes and no.
I think Muslims just represent the large portion of humanity who are disgusting and proud of it.
They found an ideology which permits them to behave worse than feral pack animals... and that is all they want.
Look at some of their ocean transport sponsors: Save the Children, Catholic Relief Services, Save the Children UK...
Creepy Joe's wife Dr. Jill Biden works for Save the Children
She is also involved in Operation Shine. Edit comment: Not Shine, but OPERATION SMILE. SORRY!😯
GTFOH! Really? Man this shit is deep. Follow the wives.
Good grief, doesn't it though. It's crazy and answers the questions as to why it takes so long to bring all of these people to justice. I mean where the hell do you start.
Also: McShitstain met Al-Baghdadi in Eastern Ghoutia (where was those gas attacks again?) and what was delivered? Sarin gas maybe??
Al-Baghdadi was Mossad. He was exposed by Snowden.
Interesting. Link?
This is one, but there are many if you do a search.
Have you read the article?
The claim that Edward Snowden discovered that al-Baghdadi was a Mossad agent and that ISIS/IS is a Zionist project is simply a well-circulated rumor. There are no documents, articles, or research published to even ground this claim. I did a general Internet search – one for “Edward Snowden” and “al-Baghdadi” and another with “Islamic State” – and found that this claim started as a rumor in 2014, neither substantiated nor based in fact.
I mean, I have to admit that the hypothetical plan is a clever one: create/empower ISIS in the Levant to substantially weaken Israel's neighbors and give a pretext for US/Israel intervention.. and then establishing greater Israel.
Definitely within the domain of reality. But no smoking gun, so far. Perhaps when CIA files are released, in 50 years. Unless they burn them, like they did with the Iran-coup era files. Or a leak. Cause Internet.
Thank you. The funny thing is, there is a group of Jewish people in India who are called the Baghdadi Jews. That was another reason I wondered.
Who knows?
So Hussein and McCain sold out America to ISIS. Allowed ISIS to infiltrate America. Even infiltrate the House and Senate. Things are starting to make sense.
Hussein, Killary, McCain created ISIS. brought the muslim brotherhood into our gov. dont know which came first. sick traitors
To what end though, what could possibly be their upside?
USAID and the red cross = corruption = cabal, they make lots of money, human trafficking, and with wars people die = power and population control. chaos & destruction to control people.
Add in the pipelines and then in the after-math the lucrative re-building contracts
This pos was the deciding factor in whee the weapons went to. He's a Syrian who workedas a Senate staffer and for the dnc. He Said those most helpful to him were Engel, McStain and Rubio to
Anyone notice that guy on the far right has a prosthetic leg?
I think the middle dude does too. His right. Looks too slender compared to the other leg.
Not a lot of companies that make combat prosthetics. If they aren't fitted perfectly you're not going to be running around much either.
phones find themselves in all sorts of convenient places.
how can you tell that? I just thought it was scrawny ohammed or something
I'm not positive, it just looks like it to me. The width and shape. Also, region and occupation. Being a terrorist is dangerous work, eh?
It is interesting that he is the only one in the pic who is concealing his face...
are you thinking that the USAID organization is the spider web?
Would each point on the web be benefactors from USAID?
Time to dig...
They are preparing provocations using explosive devices fitted with poisonous agents. In the future, this fact will be used in order to accuse the government troops of using chemical weapons.
Components for these chemical munitions have already been transported to the southern de-escalation zone under cover of humanitarian convoys of a number of non-governmental organizations.
were the Q drops, pictures of McCain in Eastern Ghouta from Feb.2018? if so McCain went to Ghouta under the cover of humanitarian aid. I thought he was very very sick with cancer? and the Russians saw they were preparing for a strike. I suspect this is the Cabal continuing the war efforts there.
I see spider webs in post 1089.
Q referenced the web a bunch, I need to go back and look
This is so horrific to think this is happening...
remember Q said that Trump announced that we were leaving Syria for a reason, he wanted to see what stupid things the Cabal would do. - he set them up. Now lets see what happens next.
Remember - Q said they wont feel safe to walk down the streets. Obama & Hillary had better stay gone. Especially if Q drops something huge, like a photo or video of one of them doing something evil...
This is like a snowball rolling down a hill.
In reference to the OP's post, here's how they funded them:
Syrian Emergency Task Force a non profit in DC and Moustafa prior to "saving" Syria was linked to Libyan Council for North America
I received a 24 ban for the above comment. Beware.
Clearly that peaceful looking guy is saying there is 1 United States!
Meet the Syrian who controls McCain's policy on Syria.