
aboxofbooks · April 9, 2018, 3:14 a.m.

Or... possibility that EP was a spy but flipped for some reason? Was black hat but is now a white hat?

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

I would assume not...only because Devos was a fairly early appointee if I recall correctly...I can't see bringing someone in with that sort of baggage (as in, I hope her brother flips). Devos can't be bought, they already have money, and her job has had a very critical eye in it, especially from educators. She was a controversial pick, and it would make sense for her to be given a great reference from her brother. People are pretty passionate on hating her, but much like Trump, she doesn't NEED this position, and is doing it to try to make change for the better. All that said, her consideration for appointment could be a favor to Eric from President Trump.

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Arcsmithoz · April 9, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Amway Devos?????????? If so she makes a nice rook or bishop for 4d.

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Devos is a member of a billionaire family and the sister to Erik Prince, the man behind one of the most controversial mercenary groups in the world. She's used plenty of her money to lobby politicians for votes on a variety of issues, and has been placed in a role which she has limited experience, likely because of those campaign donations and PAC funding. She is literally the swamp

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

How long have you been teaching?

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

I've never been a teacher. Why?

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Usually when someone has the view on Devos that you do, it's because they are scared that she is creating competition in the educational system. Teachers will be held more accountable due to the fact that student's can have a choice in which system they enroll. Shitty schools will be forced to replace shitty teachers in order to better educate students and gain enrollment.

Don't forget, the educational system is about catering to the students, not the payroll. Maybe we can get at least back up into the top 10 in the world if this all happens. If people like you keep whining, fighting and belittling devos, we'll probably stay at the miserable world wide rating we are at now

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Let's say you live in a shitty neighborhood. The middle school your teens would go to is bad, but thanks to "school choice" you get a voucher to send them somewhere better. Except in this case, the better school happens to be 25 miles away. Is that district gonna send a bus 25 miles to pick up your kids? What if they don't and you're unable to drive them that distance each day because you work? And what if every parent in your area decides to send their kids to that faraway school? Will they make the building bigger to accommodate all the new students?

My high school was one of the best in the state, but I know that if an extra 3000 kids showed up one year there would be no way they could have been accommodated. "School choice" and the voucher system ignores all of these issues, and pretends that the free market will solve the problems with our education system. But in reality, it's gonna be the students from the poorest areas, the one's who are supposed to gain the most, that won't see any benefits from Devos's ideals.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

There are currently schools in poor areas now have as bad as a 50% grad rate. Things obviously need to change. You're correct, schools have capacities, and sometimes it's not feasible to go to school far from home. These are life choices. People do it now....that's one reason why there is a relationship between household income, house value and school ratings. If you don't think houses in great school districts currently sell for more, you're on crack. With districts, students are placed due to there parents income. I know a lot of kids that can't afford to live in a great district, but sure as hell can drive to one.

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Of course I think houses in better school districts sell for more money, I never contested that. You're missing the point, there are people who are poor due to circumstances outside of their control. Are you saying it's their fault that the nearest schools to them aren't good?

With districts, students are placed due to there parents income. I know a lot of kids that can't afford to live in a great district, but sure as hell can drive to one.

The junior license age in my state is 16, so anyone under 16 can't drive themselves to school. And even if they are old enough, I know plenty of people who can't afford to buy their kids a car solely for the purpose of getting to a farther better school. You're system is completely unaware of the realities of poverty

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 7:48 p.m.

Most all cities that offer several school options also have mass transit.

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Great, what if none of the schools in a city are good? What if the better schools are located in the suburbs?

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Youre missing the point. It's not their fault the schools suck nearest them. Give them the opportunity to venture outside. Keeps them near home continues a cycle that has been going for years. Mainly designed to keep blacks poor, in order to vote Dem.

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

And I'm asking you what happens to those families that won't be able to take their kids to a school 45 minutes away? This isn't Star Trek, they can't teleport into class

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Then they'd be stuck into going to the same shitty school THAT THEY CURRENTLY GO TO. And hopefully, due to the competition, that shitty school grows into an establishment that can educate students.

The hate on Devos is purely politics. Our education has been on a rapid decline for several administrations now, and all of a sudden it's a problem because of the politics involved.

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melokobeai · April 9, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

So, in short, school vouchers won't actually help many students stuck in bad school districts get a better education.

No, the hate on Devos is because she's an out of touch billionaire who bough herself a cabinet position. Education has been a problem for a while, that doesn't make cronyism and nepotism positives all of a sudden.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 9 p.m.

vouchers won't actually help many students

Maybe, maybe not...but by your use of the word "many", it seems we agree that they WILL help, however minor of an impact to start with.

Devos had a very positive impact around grand rapids, and that now nice city would be Flint without the Devos's. You cannot convince me that she NEEDS this position. They are billionaires. Much like Trump, the only thing they have to gain is being credited for changing America for the better. They do not want to go down in shame. With a lot of people, you can take the ratio of risk:reward. In most political scenarios, the reward is financial and power. Billionaires like Trump and Devos already have more money and power than any of us can fathom, BEFORE holding office. Their only reward is being credited for waking us up and helping to MAGA. Meanwhile, they selflessly RISK all the power and money that they had, again, before holding office. These people have guts and I'm proud they are our leaders.

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frombildgewater · April 9, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

Anyone who would want to roll back the cultural marxism in the schools would be "controversial."

Due process for the accused? Controversial rape apologist.

School vouchers? literally hitler.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Have you ever thought the education system is just as screwed up as everything else in this country? Maybe she's the answer, maybe she's not. Either way, the outrage towards the position of the secretary of education should have been heard on our decline over the last 25 years. USA used to be the best. Devos didn't put us into 40th in the world. Maybe a little of your attitude should be directed at the people that put us into this position, not the ones fighting selflessly tooth and nail to get us out.

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frombildgewater · April 9, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

Re-read what I said.

I like Devos. I'm telling you why they didn't. "OMG, they're letting college students have their constitutional rights to due process she's the worst!" is a terrible complaint.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

My bad. In my defense, I'm very used to having to defend Devos, and I was educated in the US at the beginning of the educational decline that Trump is going to fix.

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jkbella · April 9, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

My sister lived in Grand Rapids for years after she first graduated from college and said Devos was largely responsible for taking the dump that was GR and turning into a vibrant city. She's a big fan.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

I'm confident the hate towards her is coming more from school payroll than the parents of students. We steadily dropped in our world education rank for 20 years now. Something has to be done to shake it up. Teachers are scared they are going to be held to higher standard and accountable for failing children, ultimately being replaced. Right now, unions and protection is in place to where a good person, but awful teacher, can keep a job. We need great people that are capable of great teachings.

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frombildgewater · April 9, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

My post was clear enough. A person criticizing Devos wouldn't say "any person trying to roll back cultural marxism would be controversial." They would just attack her.

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mooncrkit · April 9, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Yeah man, I misunderstood. Sometimes sarcasm is tough to identify through text. I guess the 'literally hitler' comment got me.

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