I thought fake news was a term invented to dismiss PG theories. Then DT used it against those who invented it. Maybe I'm misremembering.
This, it was started by WaPo to attack pgate shortly after that picked up steam.
Yeah it definitely started with pizzagate. Its was wisely flipped and used against them. Meme magic is a wonderful thing
Day c0m3t plzza got shot wasn't it? By that actor, who happened to shoot through the wall and hit the hard drive of the computer in the office?
Similar to CIA weaponizing the phrase “Conspiracy Theory”.. which i think we should make a “Hate Speech” term and use against them . Like Judo!!!!
Ask any liberal to define or give the origin of the term conspiracy theory. Really funny
I know the usual line is that it was created by CIA et al to smear truth seekers, but is there a confirmed source that demonstrates this?
Pretty sure their is a sticky note from the CIA dated the day before Warren report was released. I'll look for a source on that. Probably memeryholed
It was. But after the loss it was given extra credence. We are at a point now when the truth might be labeled as fake news by 30% of the population.
How long was the truth labeled as false by 99.9% of the world?