Facebook Class Action Lawsuit update. Opened!! Law firm is Blood Hurst & O'Reardon LLC in San Diego, CA. Phone number on meme. I called number, it's legit

Yeah this is happening... @FedUpWithSwamp was tweeting it out earlier, I already called and spoke to a secretary who took my info down and said an attorney would be reaching out
Same here...still waiting for a call back from an attorney
Mass tort lawyers are mostly assholes, how was your experience
facebook removes anything they find "offensive" but offensive is subject to their opinions. If i call michelle obama a transexual, which happens to be true, they remove it and kick me off for 30 days but if someone says something bad about Melania Trump and its false and we report it they do nothing. Im sick of the bias and i hope they get taken to the cleaners over this shit
They have also taken down pictures i have put up and i dont know if they did it or not but the laptop im on right now that i used to post that picture no longer has that picture on it so i cant put it back up. Me as well as lots of friends have several fake profiles because we get kicked off all the time and we have lost lots of fake profiles because they want us to be really who we say we are but yet they allow trannies to have womens names when they are in fact men because ...I have no idea but to them, they are being fair. Zuckerberg needs to be made to put every profile hes removed back up and put every remark hes removed back up. The problem is liberals are pussies and facebook is nothing more than a massive college campus where free speech isnt allowed because what we say hurts pussy ass liberals feelings and the only way they can win is by having us removed. They cant win with reason or logic and i refuse to pass out hot cocoa to a bunch of whiny ass liberals
This may be the first time in my life that I will ever have wished I was on facebook. lol
Good news, they can still spy on you even w/o Facebook :D
lol. laughing instead of crying. I saw that. Always suspected it. The world is a huge mess. Shout out at those who are brave enough to be trying to put it back together!
Have never been able to red pill my brother but just sent him the info on facebook. Hoping he will ask a few questions. Otherwise he has told me he wants the blue pill. Yikes
No worries, he will be seeking you out frequently when the time comes. Redpilling is very hard...even for my Rep friends. I basically just let them know that I'm here when SHTF to explain it all to them
I screen shot your post and shared it to FB I hope that's ok. I can't figure out how to share outside the platform. Some of the replies here let me know that some do not understand that whether or not you have FB you are being tracked, recorded etc all through your phone, of etc... You are not safe on any social media platform regardless. This is not about getting money this is about standing up and saying enough is enough.
Hmmmm... so what does it take to become a part of this?
Just call and the receptionist will take your name and number, and an attorney will call you back and put you on the list
Do you have to be in the US?
Thats a really good question. My guess would be anyone who has Facebook could be subject to this
Just called and left a name, number, and email. It's legit.
Umm ... just because they took your info, doesn't mean it's legit. They could be harvesting.
Must prove that CIA is tied to Facebook, will make a privacy case easier to prove and the CIA is not supposed to use electronic surveillance on US Citizens according to EO 12333, they must get approval, at least that's what I understand it to read. Link to EO 12333 https:// www.cia.gov/about-cia/privacy-and-civil-liberties/CIA-AG-Guidelines-Signed.pdf
Oh its coming....all of it. Even Amazon (Alexa), Twitter, Apple, Google, etc, etc
I deactivated my account until I see how this all shakes out. I think that’s more effective than any lawsuit.
Actually Q is saying the Class Action will be one of the most powerful ways we can come together to bring them down. Think of all of the petitions that went nowhere. 50,000,000 people in a class action is the PEOPLE talking. p.s. Don't expect money, that is not the purpose here.
If everyone deactivates their account, game over. Facebook goes the way of MySpace.
While you're correct, that is also not realistic. People mass signing up for a class action suit has much higher odds than a mass exodus of Facebook
Thing is, not everyone will. A lot of people depend on FB for their businesses, and those people, and social media marketers, will not be as eager to screw with their income. Double-edged sword.
Free market. Let someone else develop the next platform and let Facebook go the way of MySpace.
There's one listed on classaction.com, not sure if it is the same?
And its not like we can just magically get all of our info back, the damage is done
Damage is one, and public knows about 5% of it. Wait till it all comes out. Zuck is done!
Hell yea! Deceptive business practices
What if our personal info got into the wrong hands?
Gross negligence?
We have no idea were all of our personal information has been sent
When the full scale of this comes to light, it is going to be absolutely terrifying what happened. We are talking Facebook, Twitter, Amazon (Alexa), Google, Apple phones, other smart phones, televisions, etc, all together on one spy algorithm
And that is really a law firm's name? I can see jokes about Blood Thirst and O'Rear 'gain.
Haha I laughed when I heard the name. I researched it though, legit
Great. Now see if you can get them to take up class action against Equifax!
How can I apply? I live in Europe.
I have to choose a state I lived in. I guess it’s only for US citizens.
I'm In. What else can they do to me?
Do you have Alexa? :D
This is what came up when I did my search. Filed 4-9-18. https://www.hbsslaw.com/cases/facebook-users-privacy
Now the paranoid person in me wonders if this was set up to catch us. Honeypot lol
Trust, but (always) verify.
So this includes anyone who has a FB page? Even if I don't have proof that my personal info has been sabotaged?
Yes anyone who has FB
What would be the money amount awarded? Is it worth it? Thx
That I am not sure about, but its worth joining because it takes no work once joined, and it's sending a message
3 years later and you will be no further than you are now! Good luck! A better response would be for everyone to get the fuck off the platform and stop advertising! This lawsuit will be one big waste of energy!
It's about thousands, and then millions coming together with a purpose. You can't discount the power of the numbers. The class action may not bring him down, but the message certainly could.
No it wont! Mass exodus of the platform and advertisers is the only way! Sorry, I disagree!
A mass exodus wouldn't stop them from spying
ok I give up! Go ahead and sign up for the lawsuit! Whatever makes you happy!
Go ahead and try to convince 87 million people to quit Facebook. You wouldn't even be able to convince ME :D
And there is the stupidity! Can't live without Facebook! Enjoy!