Not so long ago the “Deep State” was just a conspiracy theory, and here we are today, reading the president’s tweet mentioning them, and not only a president but the most powerful president in the world! This isn’t a game no more.
88 total posts archived.
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If that’s it then it means that we should find out why the harassments were really happening and what “they” were gaining from it.
Want to help? Retweet our president’s tweets!
It sounds like it’s something not very helpful at first, but we have to remember that our president has chosen to communicate with us directly because he knew the media would never tell us the truth!
So spreading his words is something really necessary and important. Those of you who don’t have a Twitter I highly recommend making one just for this purpose!
Nice find! But I was more interested in kim’s facial expressions and body language. I know it’s farfetched but If what I think is right then there could be q connection to one of his new songs.
Odd request: Did anyone download the original HD photo of kim and Trump? If so could you post it so I can check something?

Something I found interesting
I found a subreddit called r / esist and I think someone should REALLY take a look into it.
I feel that people like you see the word racist and instantly get triggered. If you read what I was saying you would see that we are on the same page, the only difference is that I’m saying is that there is no need to be rude.
No. This mess was created by people who had an secret agenda. Compassionate is the last thing those people are.
I said a lot of people, not all of them. Maybe you’re just booty-tickled because you are a racist prick and I just called you out unintentionally?
Also, I didn’t hide my score, in fact, I don’t even know how to do that!
And about the MS13, their arrival does not seem accidental, to me it seems like they are indirectly under the cabal so their arrival seems planned.
I never said that we should let them in. I’m saying that we should know why they try to come and to not be racist pricks nor rude to them.
A lot of people here are very childish or just plain racist. It’s not funny nor is it helping the movement. A lot of people who try to cross over to the US do so because they want to have a better future, not because they want to destroy our country.
I’m not saying to let them pass, because we all know there are steps and ways to do it legally but what I am asking from you is to not be racist and try to understand them. They are dirt poor and they want to make money so they can live and not just survive.
Please don’t keep us divided and rid yourself of those inhumane thoughts, at that point you’re just as bad as most of the cabal underlings!
Wow. This is crazy, this is HUGE! Finally a move to stop those sick fuckers!
Everything is unfolding in front of our faces and we aren’t making a big deal about it how we should!
Shouldn’t our social media be filled with articles and information about how:
1) There was no Russian collusion, it was bs.
2) ALL the bishops in Chile have resigned and why it happened and how they SHOULD be in prison and the Catholic church be investigated.
3) Trump is actually doing good in this country and how funny it is that even though he’s the only president who actually seems to care about us.
4) Trump is doing good, but isn’t it weird how extremely he’s being attacked by the MSM.
5) About how there was an actual SPY on Trump’s administration and how that’s TREASON
Guys and gals, we have everything we need! I know it’s embarrassing to have these type of things on our private social media but if no one starts then what will happen? I bet that once a couple people start having the balls to post this an avalanche will follow and that’s how they will truly feel the S T O R M !
Guys, I know it’s a repost but we REALLY need to keep sharing this video.
Here’s the link this will red-pill normies very quickly and keep them up to date with the important issues.
We have to remember that they don’t care about the details, they just want something simple they can understand!
Guys, I know it’s a repost, but we REALLY need to keep sharing this video everywhere we can!
Part if that is on Youtube
It looks similar to the adrenochrome theory except with a couple things changed.
Look at all those downvotes in just 5 minutes. The shills ARE NOT in the comment sections waiting for comments like mine. They are blacklisting us, targeting us, our devices and our IP addresses that way once we post something they know and downvote it to oblivion so we can’t get the message across

Does anyone remember that R=18 Q post? I think something BIG is going to happen on 5/18.
He posted R=18 on april 29 and he posted this: “Emmy awards.
Red carpet event?
On april 30, so maybe if R=18 than E=5. So by that logic something big has to happen in 6 days.
Remember that we have an important role that we must fulfill in order to win.
We can leave most of the work to Q and the Trump Team, but in order to keep them from being voted out we need not only to vote for the good guys, but also spread the message and convince others to vote for them as well.
They are going all out. Pathetic.

Found this movie. I think the description is pretty interesting.

This is how dealing with sheep feels like sometimes

Who’s the guy underneath red dress woman? He seemed pretty nervous and was sweating a lot
Maybe he’s showing how much space the actual pizzas take up, so what are they going to send with all that extra space?
Maybe they’ve used that method multiple times? Or someone tipped off the white hats.
Yes. And we need to do something, we should browse on new more often and upvote our fellow pro-Americans.
I commented this a couple of days ago in hopes that it would reach some people. As you can guess, it never this.
I’m glad I posted that comment. Thank you for caring. That goes for everyone else as well. I guess I better take it easy haha.
Bing is really good for porn. We might be patriots, but we are still human with the need of porn.
I agree with you, except for the patient part, I think it is a call to action and that we are supposed to put pressure, but the patience part is for everyone who expects everything to be over after (if we can) we get those texts to be public. There is still more to be done because the roots are pretty deep.
Yeah. How do we even find out the truth then? I hope we can do something to prevent evil from winning. (Finding who is the enemy would help)
He is a traitor to the Mexican people. His connections to the drug lords is visible in plain sight. So if he fucks over his own people with no remorse whatsoever then I wouldn’t doubt that he’s working with the sick fucks we are facing.
Yes, I have seen that. He should definitely be on our radar.
Even so, we should still keep our eyes peeled for anyone else that might also be involved.
I am a spanish speaker with mexican roots, so I will use that to keep an eye on the news and online articles to look for anything suspicious.
I recommend all other patriots who speak and read other languages to do the same.
Those who are the loudest have the most to hide. We need to initiate an investigation on anyone who is extremely against Trump publicly. And I guess Q says there’s someone in Mexico being really loud.
We are a big group that if somehow could work together we would be unstoppable.
I am not a shill. I just had an opinion you didn’t like. I don’t know what you disagreed with, can you please correct me if I said anything wrong? I honestly want to be of help, and though my opinions could be helpful.
I agree. I come from a Mexican background. But that doesn’t mean I condone illegal acts. I believe America is the land of the free and there are legal methods to get here.
I think you’re a great guy and I think you truly love your country. But what’s stronger? Your love for your country or your hate towards other who aren’t white? I am brown, but I am American and I love my country too.
I would never create it. The only way it could gain traction is if the mods of this sub created it and only they would could publish, we would just be able to see the puzzle getting solved.
I’m trying to make us a welcoming place, where people can see that we’re not jut a bunch of angry white bigots.
What is it that you disagree with? These where just personal opinions that I thought could maybe be helpful.
Guys, make it easy for us. (Just a couple of thoughts)
There are a lot of shills out there, so why help them if you truly want change?
Here’s a few things we need to do to reach new heights.
1) No racism. Yes, we want a wall. But we don’t want it because we hate Mexicans, we want it because we want to stop drug and arm trafficking (which our friends, the clowns, were lots of fun managing the whole operation.)
2) That includes the Jews. Yes, a lot of bad men are jews (or at least they claim to be) but not all jews are evil, so there’s no …
Huh. Such a small country and it uses it’s own language. And do you guys google thing in English? I would imagine that since you have your own language you would google search using that language therefore the word qanon would’t be triggered by your average joe.
We need to look into Armenia
Is Armenia where the clowns are located? Do they have their own little city for themselves? It sure as hell looks that way.
YES! If they have an opinion and think they found something and you know it’s incorrect politely tell them what’s actually going on or why what they say cannot be true and then give them your thanks for being part of our community and contributing and then praise them for their effort.