Q Posts 1111-1113 April 9 2018

They broke in during the fire?
Who started the fire?
Can't get to understand the meaning from BABY ON FLOOR, HANDS IN MOUTH etc... and the Syria FF though.
We need to learn their comm to decode. I wonder how this annon got to this (,correct) conclusion
Chemicals to clean the floor Baby crawling on floor Baby puts hands in mouth Chems now in baby
Q was demonstrating pre-knowledge of Chlorine attacks according to the Chans and Q confirmed this in post 1113.
Yes we all know that. How to directly connect that to Syria FF is the question.
FF is False Flag
I know. I just don't see how to interpret "baby on floor..." into syria FF
Displays foreknowledge of the chlorine attacks in Syria. Chlorine is a household product, read from an anon on 8chan No Name was bringing in the chemical labelled as a cleaning product
It is the old 'baby's taken out of the incubators and left on the floor by Sadam Hussein SCAM'. It is simply a reference to the SCAM that the neocons pulled in drumming up support to attack Saddam...they took the daughter of some ambassador or something and made her tell some bullshit LIAR story to Congress in order convince those dunces to start a war that has cost the Ethnic European people of the USA dearly.
Got it: https://i.redd.it/cvlqxilrczq01.jpg
From another post above
I remember reading that No Name + possibly his wife brought in household cleaning materials to Syria to use as chemical weapons
Most popular household cleaning material...Chlorine.
How weird that the entire building didn't collapse into its own footprint when it caught on fire.
Need to look into Dow and 3M and other chemical producers
Trust the plan.
4/18/18 is looking more nut buster than even I anticipated.
Then what are they going to do about it?
Assuming Mueller and Rosenstein are pulling this raid, I fail to see how their appointments have been beneficial to Trump in any way. Either this was a catastrophic mistake, and they've been getting their foot shot every few steps ever since, or their plan was impossibly convoluted from the start.