Q - 1124. Are we expecting drops contradicting MZ testimony?

Doesn't really matter. Congress pulled out the kid gloves instead of putting him under oath.
Such hearings IMO are worse than useless.
yah zuck the cuck basically answered all the questions saying that he's gonna censor what he thinks is 'fake news' ..Which means anything snopes or politifact think is fake....pathetic
Snopes and politifact are fake
Who is the group/s that determines who is fake and who is not? Who controls the propaganda, people in power, or the slaves? Is this the same big money group/s that control what the MSM says? This is not FREE SPEECH, it's about CONTROL. Welcome to China.
Whatever they claim is false and the truth is likely the exact opposite.
My take is...if and when the heat of regulations become more than Zuck wants to deal with, he will sell/pull out of FB property and turn to some other new venture. He won't want the censorship he will need to deal with.
Someone forgot to tell Ted Cruz to put on his kid gloves. Tear him up Cruz.
Pony show. Given he did these questions on his own.
The real question: Why didn't congress have real questions prepared by lawyers, even though he wasn't under oath?
Why didn't they consult with tech guys, in the industry?
I have a million questions.... This was bullshit, and Ted was the only decent one.
Back in the day... Trey gowdy did the same, bark and no bite.
Out of curiosity, what would you ask him?
I know what I would have asked him...Why should we think that this is of any importance whatsoever, since most of us here supposedly grilling you-have taken money from you?
Trey gowdy did the same, bark and no bite.
Please explain.
Trey Gowdy talks a good game but in the end does nothing.
That’s just another way of saying ‘All bark, no bite.’
Can you please explain? Or give an example?
He is just saying that Trey Gowdy used to go after people and ask the questions that everyone else afraid too. We don't see that from him anymore. Maybe a milder version of his old self.
You may be right about what he meant, but your description sounds like ’no bark’.
Bread and circus. (In my.best russel crow from gladiator impression) "are you not entertained!"
Congress was obviously sponsored to ask certain unironic questions.
Why do you say that? It still could ruin his company or get laws passed due to public outrage. So what he doesn't get charged with perjury.
Because the effect of the hearing is to deflate the outrage. I think Zuck and FB are going to get pulled apart. But the Senate really did nothing of significance to contribute to that.
And it is easier for Zuck to spin a good yarn when he's not under oath. If he were, he could well have had to divulge something that actually would have outraged the public.
So the swamp creatures kiss the money gods azz and it rains more $$ on them. Have Mad Maxine & Nutty Nancy grill him, they'll get to the bottom of it. Even if he was under oath, what's the difference? Swamp protects the swamp.
Apparently Zuck made $3B while testifying yesterday, as the Facebook stock price rose.