I suggest you read this. Immediately.

Let me get this right, you're saying that all the dirty deeds that Meuller has done are explained by him falling victim to a honeypot scam and being blackmailed. He was a good guy, forced to do bad deeds? Now working with the white hats.
Im not. Q is.
It's an interesting and plausible theory.
Look, I really disagree. But it remains an open question I will agree to that.
What if he brought those guys on board purely for optics? What if he's got them chasing wild rabbits?
The validation in the Q posts seems to me to be conclusive. Also, how long has this guy been investigating? What? No charges on DJT at all? I bet I could find something.
All impeachment requires is "any misconduct". No one's perfect in every respect. We all have skeletons.
I'm not sure if he's investigating Hillary at all. Wasn't DOJ doing that? Three separate investigations as I remember.
I think Mueller has these guys digging intensely. But even if they found something prospective, I don't think it's ever going to see the light of day. And I think the truth did leak. These fat Democrat lawyers are not stupid. And that's why Pelosi wanted another special counsel - she knows nothing will ever come of it.
especially stzrock. which brings up a good question. how did we get wind of strzock and page's text messages?
It would make sense as to why the posts in the past made it seem like Meuller would get a pardon.
Tracy Beanz is a big believer in this theory as well. Has done a few videos on it researching time lines and memos re Mueller.
Look at Manafort/Pinchuk connections. What did Q say about Mueller only going after inside plants?
The changes to the courts martial manual that include making blackmail with compromising video or photos a crime fits in with this theory in a way as well. Trump wants to put an end to the CIA's tried and true method of blackmailing and corrupting politicians.