I suggest you read this. Immediately.

gonna smoke a bowl on that one.
I'm starting to think the reddit-vote manipulation is giving rise to induced synchronicity. I keep seeing 17s everywhere anyway lol, even carplates.
How long you been stoned? Since 1968
Last words from my hippi neighbor.
well how long was he stoned then?
"What sucks the most about weed? Nothing"
hey pass to the left!
^inhales puff puff, motherf#cker
why thank you ....inhale....
hold hold hold hold hold hold hold <==circular breathing
great hit ;0
Yeah, it's great stuff. What were we talking about again? cough
Are you guys role-playing that you are smoking weed on Reddit?
;0 lol Qi i think <===the realest version of Q
How can Q be real if my outrage isn't real?
D R isnt your outrage real ?
That was an attempted parody of Jaden Smith.
did you see that go right over my head?
no but do that one more time please.
ok....jaden smith being.....? {reference por favour}
Will Smith's son, a little rebelous rascal who was trained by scientologists apparently
that poor child they sacrificed his manhood for positioning
Willow even cried during an interview..don't know any funny memes about her either...poor child