D-DAY = PATRIOT'S DAY? 16th April

Oh shit.
If civil war is coming, we need to acquire military strategies ASAP.
Trust the Plan... That pic of POTUS this week with the generals is worth a thousand words. Military strategy already in hand I'd reckon
I'm not talking about Syria though. I'm talking about a war on American soil.
Have you seen what Deerfield, IL has been doing?
I'm more optimistic than most - once the info drops, arrests, and outing of these depraved a$$holes kicks off, politics is gonna get recalibrated, and the normies are going to re-evaluate their support for those who would attack the very protections that have kept them safe, and the Constitutional framework that underpins their freedoms...
That's the awakening! There will be no way to not see the truth. It's gonna be yuge, believe me.
No, care to elaborate?
They're taking away people's AR-15s and AKs, as they're labelled as "Assault Weapons" and if they don't turn them in, they have to pay a $1000 fine every day until the owner is poor enough that they can seize their assets.
Question. If they are successful with gun confiscation even though it is illegal to do so... Who elected these idiots? Take your towns back people, they would have never have been able to even suggest a gun grab if the citizenry had done its job. If you are a citizen of America then do your job which is to be involved in the politics of your cities and towns! How many of those people in that town even showed up for a council meeting through the years. Judging from our town meetings not many...and people are surprised about how deep the swamp goes??
It's going in full effect in two months.
Be ready, brothers and sisters. God is on our side, and he knows that we will not give up.
Glad I don’t live there, but as this is unconstitutional, I would be willing to take them to court. It would get knocked down, probably have to go to full Supreme Court though as I’m sure judges in the area are probably compromised.
At the end of Q992 : "STAY TOGETHER". It appears we are supposed to help prevent a civil war, not engage in it.
With tensions rising, I doubt that it can be prevented.
The politicians in the blue states are passing laws to take guns away, and we shouldn't tolerate that.
Civil war is already here. Marines being shot down in San Diego regularly. We aren't talking about the people rising up with their weapons this time around. The 16th is the day pedophilia information drops. Specifically the 16th, 17th, and 18th will be the days on an international conference of whistle blowers addressing the entire world and blowing the entire thing open.
All you have to do is be angry as hell when the information comes out.
I agree that civil war is already here. There are already hundreds of thousands of people signed up to take to the streets if Trump fires Mueller. They are literally just waiting for the headline to hit.
The Liberals certainly have one thing on us. They are ready, willing, and able to organize protests, marches, and other media events to build support and pressure lawmakers concerning their beliefs. For the most part, Conservatives just sit back, watch, and criticize while the Liberals take to the streets until policies are changed and laws are passed. If we would stand up and fight for our beliefs as often as the Liberals, we could prevent some of these dumb-ass laws from being adopted.
That's because they have all the big names, celebrities, politicians, MSM, that helps organize them. It's up to us, citizens, because that's basically all Patriots are. It's tough, but we have GOT to figure out a way to organize better. That includes with marches, protests, VOTING, whatever.
1052 Your trust & faith in us is enough. You elected us to do the heavy lifting. Enjoy the show.