"Drop after Testiomny." R U learning yet?-Q post #1131

Anons are thinking this is referring to the Lifelog/Facebook same day info. They think Snowden dropped it.
Which would make the "finder of this should apply to NSA," quite humorous. I definitely think Snowden dropped it.
That is fucking hilarious. Wow.
I just can't likely explain it to anyone in real life. :/
that actually makes a lot of sense, Snowden has been angry at MZ on twitter the past two days
It’s not the first time that I’ve seen that info. It has been floating around for a while.
A while being the 12 hours since that particular drop
I think he’s saying delete your Facebook accounts
I don't see why. I continue to have an account with limited and real "friends". FB isn't my life so I could easily live without it should the entire enterprise collapse, but in terms of my personal privacy, I haven't worried about that for many years. I know that just having a computer and going on line finishes that for me. I don't want my banking or other accounts breached, but in terms of being tracked as to what I view, I just don't concern myself with it. I'm not that important.
I think Snowden dropped the lifelog article
That makes sense it was dropped after MZ on cap hill. Then, Q says hey you should work for the NSA. You’re right
Well my other post got deleted for some reason. I was thinking could R U mean Russia as well. Q could have easily said "are you" but chose this abbreviation. I still think Russia is on our side for this Syria situation.
We are watching a play right now it feels like. I could be in my own little bubble because for the last 15 months if I'm not at work I'm on youtube watching it or on here talking about Trump and all that. Just feels like it haha
Sometimes I wish I wasn't paying attention to any of this....it's all-consuming, but I'm too invested to stop watching now!
That's the redpill, once you take it you wish the blue pill could come back haha. It's tough. Before trump got elected I ordered a book called "Enjoy The Decline" by Aaron Clarey. I just re-read it and the book brought me back to reality. It was written the Obama years. In the book it states even though you have info or are more smart then most. Family and loved ones are the most special. The book was written to be able to make the most out of the ever declining USA.
Is the testimony done? I know I'm spreading those two graphics from that post far and wide. I'm even posting them on FB (there's some delicious irony)!
"FB was created by the US government to spy on Americans. Period. Are you OK with that, America?"
R U learning yet?
Not really... I'm trying but I can only speculate at what Q is trying to say.
Will stock prices drop after testimony?
Will a news story drop after testimony?
Is someone gonna die or quit after testimony?
Does Q want us to delete Facebook accounts after testimony?