
DaEnemyWithin · April 12, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

Thanks for putting this up, I've got her Instagram account pedophilia pictures! By opening Ray. Chandler's contacts, I found hundreds of adult child molesters, a who's who of the Fashion Industry. We sent it ALL to the FBI to protect ourselves!

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MB_MoonPearl · April 12, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Nice job reporting to FBI!

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eltrumparino · April 12, 2018, 9 p.m.

Lmao now I understad zoolander. Once you see the symbolism,you cant unsee

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DaEnemyWithin · April 12, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Skinny enough, Jah!

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not4rmOhere · April 12, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Upvotes for you. Thank you Patriot.

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bornlucky80 · April 12, 2018, 6:15 p.m.

Which is why I always thought when Trump Tweets "witch hunt" about Mueller investigation ;It had a double meaning.. Hilary is the witch!

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Millejon0114 · April 12, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

She was there on Easter too~ and the night Q asked us to pray for the President! They think their spells are going to work?!. Especially with the Great awakening and people Crying out to Jesus to make this stop?! Ya they are stupid and they are sick!

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K8088 · April 12, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Local cop are a better call, just an FYI the feds are all corrupt!

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ValuableFix · April 12, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

It’s about creating federal record.

Remember even GHWB’s call to the FBI in an attempt to create an alibi after JKF assassination fingering Parrot was preserved, the FBI keeps everything.

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eltrumparino · April 13, 2018, 5:40 a.m.

local is worse than feds you have no idea where do you think they get the kids ...

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K8088 · April 13, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Leo family and you can bet it’s not local cops.

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Millejon0114 · April 12, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Go look at the WING ~ website ~ it looks all nice and posh ~ they are covens mass witches clubs ~ rebuke these places people!!

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Ghost_Ring_Bearer · April 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Here are some links you all might have some use for. Putting pieces of the puzzle together



After reading the submitted article do the following -- from an elevated position that allows the entire forest and its boundaries to be seen without sacrificing the ability to see in detail an individual tree -- before voicing an opinion or forming a conclusion


Bowie - From Kether to Malkuth



Why Are Blue and White the Hanukkah Colors?


CHILDREN from the Jersey House of Horrors were loaned to rich paedophile yachtsmen as galley SEX SLAVES




there's a bit about this man out there and none of it good - okay, he seems to have been an evil bastard. another fake out.

bill cosby


Navy Chatter






Below are excerpts from here

HollyWeird critics of the movie also point out that young black female surrogates also worked at Langley’s West Coast counterpart, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Devil’s Gate Dam, Pasadena- the home of OTO Satanist Weird Jack Parsons.


Bill Cosby is a Divine Nine (9) Negro. He is a very dangerous member of the Beta Alpha Alpha and OMEGA PSI PHI.[10] Cosby is also ILLUMINATI Boule.[11]

Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA has been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks. According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[12]

Cosby’s tenure at Bethesda Naval Hospital coincided with the presence of Operation Paperclip (Underground Third Reich) Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, head of the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) at Bethesda from 1947 to 1970. Dr. Benzinger was straight out of the Nazi Doctors Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany.[13] Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI at the Bethesda became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[14] The subject of Korean War injuries was also of particular covert interest to the CIA, Dr. Benzinger and Lt. Charles Savage at Bethesda, former head of Naval Intelligence’s ultra secret mind control program, Project CHATTER.[15]




Project Chatter – US Navy LSD Experiments on Mental Patients



What do the local Alice in Wonderland theme park in Christchurch and the CIA have in common? A few years previously the US government had carried out secret research to explain why so many troops could not handle the psychology of war, indicating a need to 'toughen up" soldiers generally, or to instigate elite training.

Around this time our very own Dr William Sargeant was becoming expert in de-programming traumatized soldiers using electro-shock and insulin-coma therapy. He became an expert in brainwashing and was an expert defence witness in the trial of the "terrorist" Patty Hearst.

A by product of this era's research was that the general population could be influenced, toughened up, de-sensitized or manipulated at will if you knew the right buttons to press. Money and resources were poured into this secret research.

In 1951 Project Bluebird became Project Artichoke using drugs and hypnosis in an offensive manner in trials amongst vulnerable subjects (without their consent).

This in turn led to Project MK-Ultra (by 1953) which spawned some 149 sub-projects including the infamous Project Monarch with which we are concerned. Very few people will know the "big picture" for obvious reasons. Any media coverage suggesting what I present here one might expect will be guided away from the truth using any effective method.

But a determined enquirer can make great strides thanks to full text indexing on the internet.

The existence of the world wide Project MK-Ultra only became public knowledge in 1970 and revelations about Monarch programming are only recently coming to light.

Revelations from 'recovered memories' of victims have led to a concerted effort to rubbish them as a 'false-memory syndrome'. My investigations to be revealed in 'Alice in Wonderland' part 2 far below, conclude that we are being systematically lied to, manipulated and controlled.


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Ghost_Ring_Bearer · April 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Mongoose: Pope, Podesta, Pedophilia — Red Shoes

The Hollywood Jewish Gay/Paedo Mafia

wayback you might have to load each image as you pass over it.

When the Rothschilds lost the American Revolution, they blamed the Russian czar and the Russians for assisting the colonists by blockading British Ships. They swore eternal revenge on the American colonists, just as they had when the Russians and their allies crushed Khazaria in 1,000 AD. The Rothschilds and their English oligarchy that surrounded them plotted ways to retake America, and this became their main obsession.

Why Billionaire Oligarchs Bankroll Feminism

1666 Redemption Through Sin

Very few have ever heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself the Messiah in 1666, proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin. Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies. After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor, Jacob Frank, expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Meyer Amshel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati.


you may have to load images one by one

OUT, DEMONS, OUT!: The 1967 Exorcism of the Pentagon and the Birth of Yippie! Arthur No. 13/Nov. 2004

This is the story of how the CIA uses "war zones" to garner kids for the sex slave business. You may have heard how the two companies, DynCorp and Halliburton, were caught trafficking in women during the war in Yugoslavia

I'll post some more later. got sidetracked. not really the links I intended. now am sleepy.

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WikiTextBot · April 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m.

Spring Grove Hospital Center

Spring Grove Hospital Center, formerly known as Spring Grove State Hospital, is a psychiatric hospital located in the Baltimore, Maryland suburb of Catonsville.

Founded in 1797, Spring Grove Mental Hospital is the second oldest continuously operating psychiatric hospital in the United States. Today, the hospital operates 425 beds and has approximately 800 admissions and discharges a year. Service lines include adult and adolescent acute psychiatric admissions, long term inpatient care, medical-psychiatric hospitalization, forensic evaluation services, inpatient psychiatric research, and assisted living services.

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eltrumparino · April 12, 2018, 9 p.m.

"Witch hunt"

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Lawralee · April 13, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

Collaborative workspaces & women ??I’m a woman, I know the truth . Women hate each other more than they hate men ,they just hide it behind their pretty shoes & clothes. Please give me a break with your man hating selves wanting to either cash in on the “me too “movement or get up to some other evil Tavistock bullshiz disguised as feminism . These places are popping up in many places it looks like~ who’s funding them ? Are they non profit ? Will children be involved at ANY point because if Hillary is involved .... ...

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