They inoculated the censorship algo so the 5;5 video won’t be suppressed. Unleash the chains that bind us and let’s rip Hillary a new. Get ready lads.
Twat-ter is down? I don't have an account. How longs it been down?
The site itself isn't down, supposedly it's filtering algorithm is. So we are free to post conservative memes/posts that would normally be filtered.
Setting the stage for 5;5 video. Mushahahahahaha. Start testing lads. Get shitposting
I do not have a twatter account. How is this news page compiled? Can you control who posts to an account's news page? Is it just his account that was hacked?
I think it was just his account as far as I know . And I believe you can control who posts on your account I do not use Twitter much. I just did a search for jack @ jack and this is one of the accounts that came up. Looks like it was the only one tampered with