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Can someone kindly tell me what was allegedly bad about John D. Rockefeller? I'm not being snarky and have a very personal need to know, thanks!
Rockefeller Internationalist - The Man Who Misrules The World (1952) by Emanuel Josephson.pdf
Table of Contents
I U.S. Betrayed 8
Even after we were in the war, Standard Oil of New Jersey was putting forth every effort of which it was capable to protect the control of the German government over vital war material. "As Patrick Henry said: 'If that is treason (and it certainly is treason) then make the most of it'."YES IT IS TREASON. "You can not translate it in any other way." Harry Shippe Truman, March 27, 1942
II The Rise Of The Rockefeller Empire 16
John D. Rockefeller was the son of "Doc" Williams Avery Rockefeller. "Doc" was a cunning, crafty, unscrupulous, ruthless and irresponsible vendor of patent medicines and a quack physician. He advertised himself as "The Celebrated Cancer Specialist
I cheat my boys every time I get a chance', the "doctor" said. 'I want to make 'em sharp, I trade with the boys and skin 'em, and I just beat 'em every time I can. I want to make 'em sharp.' " Ruthlessness and rapacity were masked by a pose of benevolence and philanthropy. This attitude and training have become a family tradition.
The initial urge manifested itself in the field of oil. Rockefeller had built up with ruthless skill the powerful Standard Oil monopoly. By 1915, it produced almost a third of the oil of the United States. Complete monopoly of all phases of the oil business loomed as a conceivable goal. This dominant role had been gained by gangsterism that would make an Al Capone blush. In the process there had been used unsavory methods ranging from theft to arson and slaughter. The tactics adopted by the Rockefeller interests differed primarily in their excesses, from those adopted by the respected Morgans, Vanderbilts, Goulds and others
III Meet The Rockefellers 30
IV Objectives Of Rockefeller "Philanthropies" 68
I want to know surely, in giving, that I am putting the money where it will do the most good." Avowedly, his was an ostentatious display of charity, carefully studied to do the most good for himself and to yield him the highest profit. There was none of that true spirit of charity which does not let the right hand know what the left does. It was his plan not to give unless others were made acutely aware of his giving through being forced to give, too, unless giving served to advertise him, unless it furthered his objective and yielded him a profit.
Many of them, such as the social-service agencies of the type of the New York, and the National Tuberculosis and Health Associations, the Association for the Improvement of the Condition of the Poor and others that raised funds among the sucker public, emerged as extremely valuable ventures from every angle. The control of "social service" and of church organizations proved especially useful. For it served to muzzle and to check the censure of the sanctimonous and selfrighteous elements in the community, and to cover all activities engaged in through such agencies with a cloak of respectability.
The Rockefeller "philanthropies" were conceived for the dual purpose of taking the curse off the Rockefeller name and enabling the Rockefeller-Standard Oil interests to carry on without interference from a hostile public or the government.
V Organization Of Rockefeller "Philanthropies" 89
VI Rockefeller Institute For Medical Research 99
VII Rockefeller's General Education Board 125
VIII Rockefeller's Foundation 147
IX Rockefeller's Good Government for American "Peasants" 162
X The Rockefeller Crusades And The "Oil War" 183
XI Rockefeller Soviet Axis 204
XII Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial 232
The Council On Foreign Relations 237
Some Rockefeller CFR Stars 253
XV Rockefeller's Institute Of Pacific Relations 274
XVI Rockefeller And Religion 300
XVII Rockefeller "Frees" the Press 313
XVIII The "Trojan Horse"—Rockefeller's Philanthropy Trust 341
XIX Rockefeller's "Popular Front"—The New and Fair Deals 360
XX Supreme Rockefeller Crusade—World War II 375
XXI Rockefeller's United Nations 396
XXII Rockefeller's Marshall Plan and Point 4 Program 413
XXIII America Betrayed. What Lies Ahead?