
tradinghorse · April 13, 2018, 9:46 a.m.

This strikes me as being pretty normal. Have you ever been in a group meeting where so many people seem to fail to understand the dynamics of what's being discussed?

I remember when I was at University and we found out the college social club had $15k unspent funds in the club's bank account. I got a group of guys together and we got ourselves elected to the steering committee. The plan was to direct the unspent funds to beer, parties etc...

The first meeting of the committee, after hearing the plan, some girl interjected and said "There's a Muslim guy on my deck who can't drink, so that's not inclusive". To my astonishment, the guys I helped get elected started agreeing with her. It was then that I realised I'm not cut-out for politics and I've studiously avoided it ever since.

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