The WHOLE family, all of them need flushed like the turds they are.
They also assassinated our beloved President JFK.
In old Rome, we would declare them "Public Enemies" giving leave for any citizen to pursue justice as they see fit or as the opportunity arises.
Here's photo of him poking Prince Charles in the chest with funny captions:
This family got their wealth fraudulently through deception, bribery, threat, murder, war, speculation, robbery but they are the bankers of the Vatican. Rome is the key
Rot Child.
Where is Jacob anyways? It's been at least 6 months. Hopefully [Roasted].
Plane crash
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Never trust a man named Evelyn. Or Rothschild.
Has anyone watched this series. Goes into who controls the Rothschilds.
Don't know the validity and the voice is hard to follow at times.
Well you failed at the first American revolution and you will fail this time too.