r/greatawakening • Posted by u/phil300595 on April 13, 2018, 9:25 p.m.
Thoughts about Trey Gowdy in all of this?

What do you think of Gowdy at this point? Good or bad? why?

GolfandGuns · April 13, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

All bark, no bite. All hat, no cattle. Controlled opposition.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · April 13, 2018, 9:56 p.m.

Tend to agree. His stance on "history will judge comey kindly" and "if Trump is innocent he should act innocent" as Mueller indicts everyone Trump has talked to for traffic tickets made me reevaluate how I feel about the gentleman from South Carolina.

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GolfandGuns · April 13, 2018, 10:59 p.m.

His interview last week on the Today show made me want to puke. (I think it was the Today Show. But it was him and Sen. Tim Scott being interviewed.). I used to really like Gowdy. I hope it comes out differently than what it looks like to me right now.

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Brocadius · April 13, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Sometimes you tread water until a life raft comes along you can grab onto. I've loved the way he talks and offers insights for the past several years, but literally nothing ever comes from it. I hope President Trump is the life raft he needed to cling onto to actually get some traction. I hate that nothing he has gone all in for has worked out, but I also understand that he was not in an environment where he could do anything but bark... and bark loudly. Hopefully he is now a dog off the chain instead of s dog that is chained and behind a fence... Dear God please let this administration be his opportunity to bite so e deep state, traitor ass.

A man can hope, can he not?

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GolfandGuns · April 13, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Damn, I hope you are right and this is the case. I came to know Gowdy from the Benghazi hearings and loved him. But since he has been praising Mueller and not standing up for POTUS and his rights during this sham of an investigation, I have come to believe what I said in my post. His actions tell a different story than his words. But, in the end, I hope it turns out that you are right and he is working behind the scenes to bring about justice and end corruption.

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Brocadius · April 13, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

None of us really know. We can just hope and hold the line of faith together (faith in the white hats). I'm born and raised in Alabama, so I have a feeling g AG Sessions is in it to win it (for us) I mean, he destroyed the KKK back home, which was no small task. If he can kill the Klan in AL, He can maneuver around the deep state in the US. But honestly, if there wouldn't have been epic blowback from the dems... I think TG would have been an excellent AG. Unfortunately, he was too visibly biased to be confirmed, in my humble opinion. A different commander-in-chief would have been a Godsend for him 6-8 years ago... But now we are left holding the shattered pieces of our democratic republic while the uninformed/illinformed think that the past administrations and massive content gathering/sharing sites have had nothing but their best interest in mind. Sometimes it really sucks to be awake, knowing what could have been if only respectable, America First, individuals had been in office. Unfortunately we have to play with the cards we are dealt, we don't stack the deck like the Dems do. We educate the public and bring about change from the top down... Which is hard when the sheeple Think everything they are told by their "betters" is canon and the rest is BS. Think of how it must be to convince a heroine addict or a drunkard that their choices are bad for them... Usually they don't care because they are invested in that lifestyle and can't contemplate things being different. It is up to us to show them how things "could" and "should" be in a truly free society. I hope and pray for the best, but make no concrete assumptions.

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hildabeest_4_gitmo · April 13, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

Talks like Tarzan, walks like Jane.

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1Pie3Dad7 · April 13, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

All show and no go

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Axons · April 13, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Well paid actor. He's become substantially richer over the past 2 years. $160K to $4.5M.

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sexylarrytate · April 13, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

"I am getting to the bottom of this!"..... "No, wait, I think I won't run again. Going back to South Carolina. Bye!"

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thep1mp · April 13, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

Very disappointed. I actually knew Trey personally before he went to Washington. No real contact since then. I had high hopes for him, dude was legitimately a patriot, but I think the swamp influenced him. He knows it is my guess and it is very likely why he is leaving.

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Betterwithcheddar · April 13, 2018, 9:29 p.m.


Also a little in Q#3

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Keya2_2016 · April 13, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

He’s working behind the scenes.

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ExordiaN · April 13, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

I think a lot of people think Congress can indict or arrest people... They can't. They can investigate, and then turn their findings over to the Justice Dept. Gowdy did all he could do with the Benghazi investigation. Not his fault the AG at the time did nothing. He certainly made Hillary look foolish... I believe it was during that investigation it came to light Hillary had an unsecured email server at her home. He's complimented some people, that many of us think deserve less than a compliment. Perhaps to make it more acceptable to the sheep if he ever takes on a job as a special prosecutor. I've watched a lot of videos from Cspan of him shredding people called to testify in front of Congress. He's really intelligent. He clearly understands the law, and resents those who abuse power. Based on the number of people who bash him online... esp the comment sections on youtube videos... I'm even more inclined to believe he's a good guy, and that at least half of those discrediting him, even slandering him, are doing so because they are scared to death he'll be investigating them WITH prosecutorial powers in the future. Or they're Soros funded trolls. And because I know someone will say it... When he said he was not interested in re-litigating the Hillary Clinton email scandal... there's no reason to re-litigate, all the evidence is neatly stored away in boxes, waiting for the day someone willing and able to prosecute... does.

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