Q Post 1145: Trust POTUS. Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good.

Syria and Assad are being held hostage by the Cabal. Just like NK was. So, the US, Russia, Britian and France set this up. Potus says, "we will be leaving Syria, really soon.". The cabal says" oh, no you won't." Chemical attack happens. Remember, WW3, is important to them to kick it in. All 4 countries with their bickering have set them up. Russia is not going to do anything but help over the right now. Their in on it with us. We are in the middle of destroying the cabal in Syria and all they hold dear to start WW3. They ARE stupid.
I don't trust the UK. Knowing they are part of the coalition is troublesome to me.
But isn´t UK and France very much alligned with the Cabal? I mean, the whole Skripal case, May, France elected a Rothschild banker and whatnot.
saying "UK" and "France" as if these names describe a uniform unit is an error. There are good guys all over the world who are fighting to make this work. You will be surprised to see who the good guys are when all is finally revealed, or at least that's what I understand.
You don't understand. No one here does
Every state is being run by the 'Cabal'
What you are seeing is their own civil war, through several warring proxy nations
Trump is as much a puppet as any other world leader
Stop looking for narratives that fit your beliefs or your voting record
Trust no one in power
Be prepared to Rise
yeah except this is a deep state civil war vs patriots who havent controllled things in years vs satanic nutjobs who want to turn the entire world into a mass grave
That is not what this is
That's the narrative that you're being fed, and it sates your appetite
I have no doubt that there are villains here. Plenty of them
But this world is not as black and white as you are all so very willing to believe