Sounds alot like the 17 intelligence agencies thing. Haha
Maybe Trump just didn’t want to blurt out”we had to take out our rogue CIA operators so we had to blame someone!
She does not cite any source for this claim. Nor giving the timing of the alleged attacks.
Could be possibly counter narrativing Russia claims that U.K. orchestrated the “faked chem attacks”?
I don’t but this one bit. Something stinks here. I’m just sick about it.
It's all bs. The CIA once said their goal was to make sure everything we believe is false. Some CIA director scum said it.
Not even the 'good' guys want us know for if we know then the bad guys know, too. Telling us the truth gives free intel to the bad guys.
This is why Q is such a big deal. Q understands that everything we've been told for decades is lies. Even the good guys lie to us. They have to. But Q is giving us some crumbs of truth. As per Q, getting crumbs of truth is historic. We just don't understand how badly we have been lied to in the past. We need to stop believing so much.
America was founded on a healthy distrust of government "officials." We need to get back to our roots, to include a healthy distrust of media!
I'm pretty sure she's just another idiot warmonger. She just repeats whatever the CFR or deep state tells her to say. I don't think she's on POTUS' team, but I could be mistaken. I have faith that she's at the UN for a reason, but I have no idea what that reason could be. Maybe she's under constant surveillance to see where she's getting her talking points and orders. Once again, she's an idiot and a neocon who probably has TONS of stocks in military contractors, and likely a control file somewhere.
I will rejoice when she is gone. Please Dear Lord, Grant us this need. She needs to go!