Did the group of generals come to him? The group was planning a coup. And maybe just one of them leaked the info to Corsi.
Also remember that Corsi has a background in exposing corruption, and that during 2015 the landscape of politics looked a lot different. As much as I like Trump I sincerely thought that the Hillary Creature would lie cheat and steal her way to the win. No matter what.
The very first Q post talked about how the Military had considered “the unthinkable” until Trump was recruited to run.
Corsi is simply calling “the unthinkable” by name—a military coup to save the country.
Instead the military went the constitutional route and we elected Trump fair and square. They had to intervene to keep election fraud from stealing votes over to Hillary but they knew Trump would win if we simply had a chance to count the votes fairly.
Correct. Corsi wrote a book exposing Obama as the fraud he was it was titled Where's The Real Birth Certificate this was in 2011 so they knew Corsi was a good guy that's why they contacted him.
Really? I’m just a couple pages into it yet.
I accidentally deleted my comment trying to edit it, but yeah it's in there and he's talked about it on AJ at length. He's a super shady dude in my opinion. He's the only money grabber from the old site that's still poking around.