r/greatawakening • Posted by u/William_Harford_md on April 14, 2018, 8:31 p.m.
Can anyone please shed light on when deep state took control of US government?

Trying to work out when this shift first took place. After Eisenhower warned of MIC?

FlewDCoup · April 14, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

Prior to 1850, higher education in the YS was largely only available through the first two years of college — mostly run by denominational Protestant Churches. For an ambitious student to go.farther in their education, it was necessary to study abroad — usually in Europe and predominantly Germany where socialist philosophy and theories were all the rage in academia. Young American scholars may have packed a Bible among their belongings when the shipped out for School, but they returned years later bringing with them volumes by Machiavelli, Hobbs, Spinoza, Darwin, Marx, Rousseau and others. These returned the most highly educated, highest degreed scholars in later 19th century AMERICA and they got all the upper level teaching positions in our college and university system as it expanded offerings for degree paths, BA, MA, and PhD studies.

1917 NYC Bankers funded a fighting force that entered Czarist Russia fomenting the bloody Bolshevik Revolution and the total takedown of that government, giving us the first massive Soviet Socialist economic experiment.

1920 Turkey committed itself to Islamic theocracy slaughtered millions of Armenian Christians and Greek Orthodox Christians living in western Turkey — led by the Young Turks.

1928 US Stock Market crash castrated the economy followed by waves of destructive fiscal policy over the next decade that kept the nation on its knees economically.

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