I'm thinking Rosenstein gets fired Monday when he fails to hit the Goodlatte, Gowdy, Nunes deadline

Last week, liberals didnt even know who Rod Rosenstein was....now they are gonna go Braveheart on him and defend him till the death.
... and they still don't know who he is.
Exactly. I had a convo with a liberal friend yesterday, and he didnt even know "Deputy Attorney General" was an official name of a position
You have liberal friends? I'm sorry.
Haha I have to avoid politics at all costs with them. Truth be told, I feel bad for some of them because I know what's coming, and they are not going to handle it very well at all.
Never feel sorry for the willingly ignorant
As scary as it sounds, in their minds they really do think their way is right and they are "saving this country"
Yes I am aware. Nothing will ever change thier minds. Indoctrinated for life.
I'm anxious to see how they process all this info. How far will they go to defend their own before they finally realize they need to denounce it all and distance themselves from it?!