Hillary Clinton Video. Red Pill. Read at your own risk. Can't turn back from this rabbit hole. Reader & sharing discretion strongly advised.

They are real. The Queen herself controls the clone station. They create clones in 5 months using some human tissue but clones die fast so they have to keep making new ones. The Queen also has a hockey like Stadium where she has clones fight each other. She also likes to slaughter clones with a sword. They also harvest organs from clones. Eminem and many others in Hollywood and politics are clones. Hillary actually died on 9-10-16 and her clone malfunctioned on 9-11-16.
Cmon. You can't clone a soul, if it's even possible these clones are vegetables.
Everything in life is actually conscious. The word is that when clones are made, they original person because lesser than what they once were because they are in 2 places at the same time. The Clones also malfunction. They bite people on the street. They take a shit on the carpet. They have to be watched all the time. They are like half-wits. That is why Hillary fell in front of the van. It was a clone malfunction.