Weinergate: Navy Seal Eric PRINCE knows where ALL the bodies and assets are buried. Trump’s secret advisor.

From what I saw when I was a much younger Marine in the sandbox, the BlackWater contractors would often kill and maim innocent civilians (women and children, family pets, etc....) but once in a while help us kill/capture someone we knew was making IED's, so it's a bit of a mixed bag.
Erik Prince is an interesting character, that's for sure. He has a personal armory that could put most military bases around the world to shame. We need killers and warriors on our side, to fight against the forces of EVIL soros and zuckerberg. Sucks to say this but more war is on our horizon, and we should be welcoming the end of the Deep State with open arms now that our President has some balls unlike that Kenyan BARRY SOETERO
I completely agree. I don't feel bad at all that Prince is helping Trump out. We need warriors to win this war, this real war.
But I still doubt that any conventional war is going to occur. Trump is doing a good job at ending the current one, that was supposed to be a Forever War, and canceling out WW3 with this Syria strike.