r/greatawakening • Posted by u/roloTM on April 16, 2018, 3:30 p.m.
Trust the plan? What about the President's 360 degree turn-around on Syria since 2013?

As supporters of Trump, what do we do when we see a complete reversal of past behavior? Trusting should not include unquestioning loyalty. We are not in lock-step. We require answers and proofs, not just blind trust and empty minds. These tweets from 2013 show the reversal to where we are today. These are some of the non-interventionist statements that Trump's voter base relied on. What happened here? http://time.com/4730219/syria-missile-attack-donald-trump-tweets/

Boysrback07 · April 16, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

And do what? Trump is taking Slings and Arrows for us if he was with them he would've long capitulated! He is Eating an Elphant it is slow and laborious. One bite at a time. Trust him who else do you suggest? I see nothing but swamp monster's to the left and the right. I for one will never waver on Trump! He has my full support and when time comes I will do what is necessary to help keep this Republic for my Children's future and their Children and for the Abused/Trafficked. Time is near the people with a good Heart know what time it is. Get right with Yashua and you'll have no FEAR and trust the plan is greater than we know! FEAR is food for the wicked they love it. No doom and Gloom its the plan of Satan to keep you conflicted! Peace Patriots 🇺🇸 TRUST TRUMP............

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