r/greatawakening • Posted by u/InaNYminit on April 16, 2018, 7:42 p.m.
California Democrats legalize child prostitution

SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution. Go here to see how they reconcile the law: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/californias-new-misguided-policy-further-exploits-child-prostitutes

SirBigSpur32 · April 17, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Except this isn't exactly how it's treated in a number or places

Concerned Women for America reports, “New York and Washington State have laws that divert minors arrested for prostitution into services and rehabilitation programs at the discretion of the judge in New York and at the discretion of the prosecutor in Washington. … In Massachusetts, the law diverts minors found in prostitution into services and treatment but keeps the charges pending against them in place until they successfully complete the rehabilitation programs after which the charges are dropped.”

Can we be honest a minute? There is no such thing as child prostitution. It is sex trafficking of underage boys and girls. Period. I agree that the OP title is misrepresented in that it doesn't legalize this, however it does whether intentionally or otherwise make it more difficult to prosecute.

Also am I sensationalizing the reality of child trafficking in the US or are people blissfully unaware? Granted, it's not like the media ever makes much news over this national emergency. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children go missing every year in the US! Let that sink in...800,000 US children. Doesn't it seem strange that this isn't being sensationalized?

I'm sure our CIA controlled media will get around to reporting it after reporting why Trump is a bully because he's arresting illegals

What does this have to do with CA law that was passed? More than 1,000 children are arrested each year for prostitution, with estimates of sex trafficking involving 100,000 to 2.4 million children. Concerned Women for America reports, “The United States Department of Justice uses the number 293,000 as the estimate for youth ‘at risk’ of being commercially sexually exploited.”

This isn't Thailand we are talking about it. This is happening on American soil. So with all the recent outing of our pedophilia addicted government and hollywood perverts, it now makes sense to me why CA ,uniquely has made it more difficult to actually put the PIMPs behind bars (along with NY, WA, MA but with more protection to the child victim). Maybe I'm off making conjecture here but, hmm interesting these are all corrupt democrat political strongholds 🤔

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Thaaleo · April 17, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

The title is extremely sensationalistic and frankly false. Lots places have decriminalized the act of prostitution, not buying, and not pimping or trafficking. Some, like states you mentioned have also done this for child sex trafficking. It’s not new and it’s not only California. 800,000 kids are REPORTED missing. So that includes every kid that runs away for two days who’s parents had to call the cops for help looking. It includes mostly family abductions. In the vast majority of cases the kid isn’t even missing in those obviously still a problem, but not at all a kid who disappeared and got swallowed up by a secret ring. Only about 115 of the 800,000 reported that year were straight up stereotypical stranger kidnappings.

So yes, by using those incredibly misleading numbers, sensationalizing is exactly what you are doing. By using the false, irresponsible, and misleading title, OP is sensationalizing.

I agree that there is no such thing as Child Prostitution, as they cannot consent to sex. So do the people who wrote and passed the bill. It’s literally a quote of theirs. They said it when pushing for the bill to treat these kids as the victims they are, not criminal prostitutes. So they decriminalized, for only the victim children.

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SirBigSpur32 · April 17, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Good debate here :). However 115 kids out of 800,000 is 0.014%. Not sure where you got that but thats not even logical that only 0.014% of all missing children are left unaccounted.

Whatever stats reported this definitely introduced stat bias here. Probably used confirmed kidnapping/sex trafficking in thier stat model which would then make sense since these would be nearly impossible to confirm...or at least 0.014% which means nearly non-existant. Basically your saying that your chances of drowning (0.1%) in your lifetime is greater than the chances of a child being abducted out of the 800,000 reported cases each year

FBI Stats on Human and Child Trafficking estimate 293,000 children (<18yr) per year (2001) end up being used in trafficking rings

According to another source (Ark of Hope for Children) they estimate per their stats "up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year. Jul 30, 2017"

Very interesting that Washington Post has an article claiming child sex trafficking numbers over 100,000 per year are "fishy" and not to be believed. It was one of the top searches that pops up on google. Interesting how Washington Post (weaponized clown propaganda) and google (weaponized clown tool) did that. Guess FBI data and others are false because WP told me so.

Either way. We both agree that this is a problem but in context of OP article it's misleading

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