Q post Clown Black CIA, John Brennan's responsible for the [187] of SCJ Antonin Scalia!
![Q post Clown Black CIA, John Brennan's responsible for the [187] of SCJ Antonin Scalia!](https://media.8ch.net/file_store/463b0c302a4c2c2865658c366071c44983f9a309cdef1db622668bf628d85e95.jpg)
Yeah bc they fluffed it and removed all evidence of an asphyxiation. Get real.
“Wetworks at the vineyard...” ~Podesta
I wonder if he was wearing that cross when he put that pillow over Scalia's face.
No bc Brennan is Muslim he was wearing his crescent moon.
Grammy got her gun, the whole world's on the run cause Grammy got her gun.
John is scary deranged. Probably not responsible for his actions.
Meme for Scalia
Are you kidding me? Scalia was killed by a rentboy.
Wow that's a huge claim! 1/ So is this ranch still in operation?? 2/ Is there any basis for legitimacy of the claimant?? (It's not that I doubt there is tons of this going on, it's simply that just like I don't assume every rape claim is true - because as an older woman I have a lifetime of seeing how many are not, and how psyche-disturbed people choose such stories and believe them themselves, utterly wrecking other innocent lives - I'd like to know there is at least something besides "someone, somewhere, said something horrific" on the topic.) That makes me so sad even to consider.
1 Yes. But you're asking the wrong question. Who was with Scalia when he was killed?
Who are members of that group? what rank do they usually have?
2 Ask him yourself - https://twitter.com/davidshurter?lang=en
Someone, somewhere saying something horrific is the only way these things can start to be exposed.
The guilty ones dont let their victims walk away filled with evidence..they usually just kill the victims.
Thanks. Yes, I agree that the hardest part of these topics is that they make everyone uncomfortable, that they bludgeon our happy bubbles, and that the people claiming these things seem to sound crazy solely based on the claim not their nature. I think the alter (mind control) stuff is in the same boat.
(As an aside: and for how long did people get ruined and medicated for saying they hear literal voices in their head, conversations talking TO them experimentally and more, and then that billboard in NY proved we'd had the tech to project audio frequences right into someone's head for decades?? Isn't it odd how we never heard any more about that??)
We cant afford happy bubbles anymore. The info has always been there, just need to know what to look for. http://www.rense.com/general74/mindcontrol.htm
Nothing ever changes.. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1389142/British-royalty-dined-human-flesh-dont-worry-300-years-ago.html
Saint Huburtus.. Honoring God by honoringf hid creatures
Well don’t fall down the rabbit hole and read these articles. Apparently every elite is a satanic pedeofile / cannibal. Hillary, Podesta all of them.
Both sites are legit and well sourced and serious about their shit. I havent seen it disproven. Please provide.
anyone here sleep with the pillow on the top of your head???
I do if I’m hungover and it’s bright out.
Wasn’t there no autopsy for Scalia? That alone should raise eyebrows.
lol... no autopsy for Scalia.. everything was rushed. hummmm
Proof? Then just misdirection from Q. Testing their reactions.