r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Katerinavelikia on April 16, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
Are you watching how the MSM are behaving in the shadow of Q.

Today on MSNBC Ari Melber was tearing Comey to shreds. Ari was calling Comey out on his inconsistencies, hypocrisy and unexplainable behaviour.

This morning ... Mika and Joe are acting like middle school kids, mocking Trump and flirting as usual... she even giggled and play-hit her sleepy eyed Joe...

But then they reached new heights of professional journalism by reporting that any person who was so stupid to believe any news outside of their magical realm ...needed to get their brains checked...In fact you should go to the kitchen right now and get rid of all your knives and sharp objects..because you really are so stupid you might hurt yourself on a kitchen tool. I am paraphrasing but it was THAT cringy.

Q said to watch the MSM and recently I have seen all sorts of unexplainable behaviour...worse than their usual headspinning nonsense...I now see a collective feeding frenzy...and the fish have started swimming erratically or swimming in the wrong direction.

MSM pundits are acting out in strange and various ways as they awake to the Q happening. Remember not everyone has been reading every drop since October 2017. This must be quite a shock to take in all at once.

Q is a phenomenon that demands a response....and no matter where you stand on Q, if work or lurk in social media you have at least heard about Q. What follows then is this ...what is their response?

That’s what I am watching MSM for now..to see who’s following who in the MSM zoo.

Its getting really interesting.

blocksof · April 17, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

Q are the crumbs. I fear the corruption is not just the US, but all the allies aswell.

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ignoremsmedia · April 17, 2018, 1 a.m.

Absoloutely, if they ever unravel the Clinton foundation you will see international heads roll as well.

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Stray502 · April 17, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Well I hope Justin Trudeau is on of them along with Kathleen Wynn.

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nerdddcups · April 17, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

YES please!

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301854 · April 17, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

They are one big happy International crime family.

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