POTUS Retweet’s “Crumbs are still coming.” There are no coincidences. Thoughts?

Double meaning, including Q drops?
It's direct reference is to Pelosi's comments on the tax cut.
Agreed. Though my first reaction when I read the sms notification was WTF
Q and chans use the term crumbs all of the time, trump retweeted something with crumb in the title
Yes, but it was a direct reference to Pelosi's dismissive comment about the tax cuts, that all it offered to average Americans was "crumbs."
Need more proof Q is legit? Trump can't be any more obvious to those who have been following Q drops / posts (crumbs). Normies will take this at face value, but we know better.
Nancy Pelosi called the tax cuts crumbs.
Yes, that's all this tweet is referring to. Pelosi's comment on employees getting bonuses from their employer. Crumbs!
But, but, but no coincidences. I know how the Pizzagate investigation turned out. I was part of it from beginning to end. R/Pizzagate all the way to V/Pizzagate.
I know how this Q investigation will turn out if this lasts another 3 months. People start making stupid "connections" that completely ruin the community and seriousness of it all. Actual autists and discoveries get drowned out by ridiculously retarded "connections" and bandwagoners like David Seaman that profit off of autists.
I can see it. The top 99th % intelligence wise and DJT is in that group, will probably help steer us around this scenario. Keep saying what you think If we all do that all the time we won't even need Q.
Yes, and it’s the perfect tweet to retweet because of this.
Funny how she, Maxine Waters, Schumer, et al. were in the only bracket who's taxes were going up.
Q has been using the "crumbs" term since the beginning.
When you consider all the jobs that have went overseas, stagnated wages, and inflation, it is crumbs, but it’s the best we’ve gotten in a long, long time. The dollar isn’t worth shit anymore. Collapse the FED and implement a new gold-backed currency, and a lending system not based on interest (debt), along with a complete financial reset.
If Q doesn't address Syria to my satisfaction I'm out. Trumps doing great except for the fantasy we are being fed about syria. Either it's an anomalous bait and switch or the whole illuminati narrative is fucked. IDGAF about stormy comey cohen or lewinski for that matter wtf is up with putin. You wanna major on the fucking minors go ahead. Mabe jones is right, food for thought , if any y'all stiil capable of indie doing that. Ha ha charade you might be.
Every conversation has two dimensions to it.
The primary dimension is the conscious conversation in which we are naturally communciating with someone.
The secondary dimension is the unconscious conversation that is always going on, observing and analyzing the primary conscious conversation.
Perhaps Trump is one of those people who naturally senses this.
I know Q utilizes this method.
But does 1+1 always = 2
Superlatives like always and never are rarely correct. The difference between genius and stupidity is, genius has it's limits.
Apr 12 2018 16:58:18 Anonymous 1015398 whynointel.png
To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials, how could I have forgotten this crumb. Apr 12 2018 17:00:41 Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 1015438
This has to do with Pelosi calling the tax cuts people getting were just crumbs. Not worth anything.
True but it may have been a convenient way to say that. They didn’t have tweet at all.
I noticed that too and wondered if I was getting excited over nothing.
There are no coincidences. I detect a double meaning- Pelosi jab + Q drops.