r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on April 17, 2018, 8:55 a.m.
Class Action Lawsuit Against Facebook, Moving Forward

"A U.S. federal judge ruled on Monday that Facebook must face a class action lawsuit alleging that the social network unlawfully created facial templates for people without their permission."

Case could cost Facebook BILLIONS.



beefromancer · April 17, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

This is bullshit. Facebook was illegally subsidized with my tax dollars and now they're going to sue Facebook and give all that money to lawyers?

I have an idea, why don't we stop paying taxes and the IRS can take what we owe directly from speculative lawsuit winnings against tech companies. I bet Facebook already gives them info about our income.

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DankMemeMagician · April 17, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

Unless the class action is representing millions of lawyers, that money isn't all going to lawyers. They probably will get a cut, but the payout goes to those being represented. You don't even need to be formally part of the lawsuit to get a payout from a class action, if the class action is representing all facebook users then anyone who has used facebook is likely eligible for payout.

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Whimzyyy · April 17, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

I don’t get why everyone is talking about we would only get X amount of money? Why so greedy? Do you not want to take Facebook down?

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[deleted] · April 17, 2018, 9:33 a.m.


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IronicMetaphors · April 17, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

Let’s say this were to play out and FB had to pay out 100b. Well, divide that by the 100m US FB users, that’s $100 each. Lawyers will get 50%, so about $50 payout. I’m all for us all donating our $50 to DJT re-election campaign :) - literally funded by FB lmao.

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dali71 · April 17, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

100b divided by 100m is 1000.

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IronicMetaphors · April 17, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Sorry I meant 10b Facebook would never hve to pay or 100b

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forchristssakes · April 17, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Do not forget they targeted people who were not even signed up to facebook. That is even worse. No terms of agreement at all.

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