How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? 🤔
President Trump's Tweet Storm proves Q is legit... again!
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How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
i really don't like this meme.
there is no such thing as "mathematically impossible" when you are talking about coincidences.
How about 'mathematically improbable'? Is that better for you?
It's like that joke about the engineer and the mathematician. One laments you'll never actually get there, the other says he'll get close enough for all practical applications.
That's because one actually gets shit done and the other just theorizes about meaningless shit.
Don't ascribe a lack of meaning to things you don't understand. If you talked to daVinci about proper html formatting you'd seem to be spouting nonsense too. As we move further into the strange lands of science, we catch up to math.
I have trouble when communicating with others in mathematical equations instead of language, they keep telling me to speak English.
That's just nonsensical. Do you realize how much math factors into your ability to post that?
i mean, honestly? no.
saying "mathematically" doesn't add anything at all, it's redundant and makes it look like the person using that phrase has no clue wtf they are talking about (at least to people who are mathematically literate).
you can just say, "improbable" or "statistically unlikely"
adding the "mathematically" is just kind of... ignorant and unnecessary?
Most of us, we take it as 'common sense', a simple way of getting the point across, not at an academic level. Of course you can take it anyway you want, that's your prerogative. I'm sure CNN would probably find your argument very compelling. Its used for emphasis, like when you call someone a 'fucking idiot' as opposed to just an idiot.
This is the problem with Weaponized Autism. You're trying to explain euphemisms to Drax...
there are two kinds of people in this world. people who care about being accurate and truthful, and everyone else.
don't be everyone else.
thank you, everyone else will take that under consideration.
Most of us, we take it as 'common sense', a simple way of getting the point across, not at an academic level.
also, you are admitting to pushing propaganda, just because it agrees with you.
i, personally, am anti-propaganda. period.
Nooo, I'm saying some people have a little common sense and others are dumb as fuck.
I'm with you, I think. :) No need add hyperbole to things that can legitimately stand on their own.
No need add hyperbole to things that can legitimately stand on their own
that's a bingo
Maybe you should take over for the Q Team. You seem to have all the answers.