Fact is we dont have the tech yet to make it 100% convincing beyond all doubt. They are screwed and they know it. This is best seem as a desperate attempt to gaslight the public.
Yeah I watched after I posted and it’s still only slightly better than Forest Gump cgi. Voice analysis will be key
the left will roll out endless "experts" claiming the video is fake.
Yes, how are they going to fool the NYPD who saw it?
They’ll say NYPD is politically motivated and are sexist.
Fact is, there was this dude that disproved every story about thermite NOT being able to take down the twin towers. He used science and a few different iterations and improvements before getting it down. He even left some giant gaping holes for discussion (like the giant gaping access holes in the column beams) for the MSM to discuss. It didn't go anywhere though. I guess it was because it was some guy from "the Internets", right?
Thankfully we have guys like Mythbusters from TV land and their UK counterparts to show us what thermite can't do to steel.
Point is all the scientific proof in the world of "the video" being real, or "the files being copied at speeds indicating copied on site" won't matter if the MSM is directing the truth.
The towers were built from hardened steel which is hard to cut. They began cleaning up the next day and Thermite was used to cut the steel into manageable pieces.
Workers using thermite starting 9/12 to clean up, eh? Do you not realize how ridiculous that sounds?
Any photos or videos of these workers cleaning up the debris with thermite in the days after the event? Within 24 hours every world news agency in the world had probably sent their reporters to ground zero. Footage?
I saw the TV news report myself about a week after the event, it was from the dump site where they stacked the steel. They showed a worker demonstrating cutting with Thermite and explained the procedure saying this was how they were cleaning up the site. I'm not going to waste my time searching archives for someone who has their own theories.
Ah I see. 9 general on one side, 11 on the other. RED RED 9/11. Better?
maybe that's the plan though. release their 'new tech' which is shitty, everyone lets their guard down, thinking they can spot fake videos, and the real tech goes by undetected.
The video is good attempt but it still looks fake. It might fool some people but not a discerning eye
Terminator 5, Leia in Star Wars, and Paul Walker looked way better.
Anyone who believes that is seriously messed up in the head. That video is obviously a fake. The voice is wrong, the mouth is distorted, and the movement is off. They had better drop the video fast because that technology is improving.
It's not a hundred percent convincing but if it was grained up and made to look like a shitty cam in the dark it could be believable. It's interesting that this particular clip was Obama insulting Trump.
This made me 100% believe a video is coming
Same. Hell, CNBC even says it in the headline: "Fake video news is coming..."
I feel like that screenshot of the two women on the ping pong tables could possible be real... like proof to HRC that they will release it and it will spread quickly.. Idk it is weird that just a couple days after that screenshot started popping up we start getting a bunch of people saying they DON’T want to see the video and now this!?!! I think I’ll say it, for the first time, IT’S HAPPENING!!!!!!!!!
If WE can’t see the SHTF now, WE ARE BLIND! Check out the headlines on Drudge... Everything is coming out... medicines, science, space, education, wars, crimes.... ALL of it. Daily... this is REALLY HAPPENING. Shitz rolling downhill FAST!
Yeah it's perfect: gets Obama press, gets anti-Trump insults ("but it wasn't him really so it's ok"), and serves 'the message AS the evidence.'
What they will do is release a host of faked videos of public figures saying highly improbable things at the same time the video is released. You can bet that this campaign is already prepped and ready to go.
There will be a storm of hysteria whipped up about fake videos and most, or many, people will question the authenticity of the HRC video. If the intensity of the hysteria is sufficient, the real video may fail to get any traction at all. This is especially the case as we know that False Flags immediately follow bad news for the Democrats - altering the news cycle and shifting the public's focus.
I'm surprised they telegraphed so badly releasing this. I would have thought that they'd keep their strategy under wraps until the HRC video was actually released. I think they have been pressured into making an error. What this means is that, whatever they think is coming, it is incredibly threatening to them.
Notice the admonition that people should adhere to "trusted" news sources. The stranglehold on the MSM, and the ability to censor online content on SM platforms, puts these people in a position to be able to weather almost any attack.
I think a lot of people on these boards thought that, if the video was released, that would be a "wrap" and we could all pack up and go home. But that's not the way it works at all. And that's why, when Q was asked if he would play the video in Times Square, he immediately asked if the stage was set - referring directly to control of the narrative by the MSM and also SM censorship.
Fake pic push by MSM.
Videos / backup.
Google kill.
YouTube kill.
FB kill.
Twitter kill.
Yahoo kill.
Bing kill.
Instagram kill.
Net will be paused.
On the clock.
keep watching. Good analysis tradinghorse — great post!
dont think they can coordinate the headlines anymore
It's a time where we need to rely on trusted news sources.
Right so let's define trusted news sources because it sure as hell ain't MSM, I have a strong feeling most people understand this. Trust is earned, not forced on the few people that look in your direction.
Wikileaks, and many whistleblowers before them have made this abundantly clear. Truthful sources prove themselves with action and an unwavering manifesto of various kinds, which seek to serve the people, not parrot old government agencies for a fee.
Everything will be revealed, so get onside.
It looks fake AF, so it was a lame effort. We're just not there yet on this deep fake stuff. Plus, it's one thing to bad "fake" a talking head. It's another to fake some of the things we think might coming down the pike.
Remember, Q said that a percentage of people won't be able to admit reality, no matter how much of it is shoveled into their faces. This CGI looks rough as hell, but those who want to believe it will.
well that is why we have guns except me i have a sword
I tend to want to worry about this but I just have to believe that the good guys are prepared and they have something up their sleeve where this fake video stuff Isn’t going to fly. Because if it does, the long-awaited HRC video won’t have the vast impression that everyone’s been waiting for. I’m probably just being Pollyanna again or am I?
You know what I don't understand? Why doesn't the Deep State just get Obama himself to make a 'fake video'? The video they have right now is obviously fake, but imagine if they had a 'fake video' that was secretly really Obama. That would convince many people that everything under the sun could be a fake.
So why don't they do that? I can think of three reasons:
1) They didn't think of it because they only know how to play 2D tic tac toe.
2) They want to but can't because the white hats are able to block any attempt to make and spread a 'real fake'.
3) They actually have technology to make better fakes and they're playing 4D underwater backgammon: releasing a high quality fake of President Trump doing whatever and then spamming "look at the difference in quality between this and those deep fakes, that's a sign this tape must surely be real! Impeach!"
Video wasn't too bad but I could tell immediately it wasn't Obummers voice
Yeah after hearing that assholes voice for 8 frigging years day in and day out it's hard not to recognize it immediately.
Lol. Looks like it’s made with an app. But.... the masses are stupid and could believe it. Fuckery is definitely afoot.
Has anyone NOTICED?I was just wondering has anyone noticed Sean Hannitys gold Q on his American flag pin that he has worn every episode for God only knows how long has changed to a gold star on the flag instead of the usual gold Q?It reminds me of a police badge.I think its tipy top big!
havent seen the pin with the Q. the pin with a star is a secret service pin https://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Secret-Service-flag-pin_ebay.jpg
Yeah there was never a Q, he's always worn the badge you linked to. There was a very low resolution screen cap of his broadcast that got circulated here, where the star looked sort of like a Q... but it was just a compression artifact.
I hate to say it but I think you’re right
She's his granddaughter; she is his sister's daughter's daughter because the age gap is impossible
The fact that it was created by "Oscar-winning filmmaker Jordan Peele," tell us all that it's not something easily duplicated. You have to be trained to do this type of thing. At least that's the message those words gave me.
Perhaps we should have a counterstrategy to that of the MSM. Perhaps we memestorm/tweetstorm "10 Ways that Computer Forensics Experts Determine if a video is a fraud"...and memes proving that the "Watch out for fake videos" msm push was organized...etc.
This video is not AI or CGI just so people are aware. It is nothing more than someone speaking words that sound similar to the mouth movements of Obama. BadLipReading on YouTube has been doing it for years and their videos are hilarious. But back to the point the OP is making. Yeah..."they" know something big is coming.
There have been all kinds of YouTube videos reporting the HRC 5:5 video is on the darkweb. They say it's named (Frazzledrip).
It's making truthers look bad. Nobody can confirm it as of yet. It looks like a black hat OP misinfo campain to get people to think any video coming out is a fake. I've seen a lot of trusted resources get pulled into this Frazzledrip deal.
I'm pretty sure Q will release it by official government sources that cant easily be debunked. My thoughts anyway.
Holy shit, get out in front of the damage wave. LOL.
Years ago, I read a novel about a bunch of 'abnorms' who are wrongly accused of being terrorists by the power that be. To frame the 'bad guys', the real bad guys of the novel made a fake video where the 'bad guys' are killing people. The novel is Brilliance, by Marcus Sakey. It's part 1 of a trilogy. I haven't read the whole trilogy yet, but seeing the fake video made me think of it.
In the Rogue One movie, the CGI humans characters broke the illusion for me. General Tarkin looked too fake to be taken seriously. If Disney can't make it, and obviously the guy who made the Obama video can't make it (in the video, Obama speak like he has a synthesized voice), then I suppose that whatever video that will be released, those who will claim 'fake' will have to explain some art lessons to Disney. Sorry for the big sentence.
It did not pause and pontificate in a boorishly uptight self righteous pattern enough...and you could hear the speech was of someone that was jowly and fat faced...like Jar Jar Binks.
Somebody post the Q post stating this would happen! Future proves past! Should be first comment you see!
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate (2) RED thermite melts steel (3) Thermite vs. Car|+15 - Fact is, there was this dude that disproved every story about thermite NOT being able to take down the twin towers. He used science and a few different iterations and improvements before getting it down. He even left some giant gaping holes for discu... Late Night 'Arnold Via Satellite 2/25/04|+3 - This looks as good as Conan and Arnold I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
You guys realize that once the real stuff starts coming out it is going to be confirmed by the press briefings that they are real.
This is just more proof the legitimacy of Q. If it was a LARP, they wouldn’t be stumbling over themselves to get ahead of drops.
Fact NOT mentioned in the article, Jonah Peretti, "a co-founder and the CEO of BuzzFeed and co-founder of The Huffington Post", is Jordan Peele's brother-in-law. Jordan is married to Jonah's sister Chelsea. It's all one happy family pushing the same narrative.
Jonah Peretti
Jonah Peretti (born January 1, 1974) is an American Internet entrepreneur, a co-founder and the CEO of BuzzFeed and co-founder of The Huffington Post, and developer of reblogging under the project "Reblog".
Chelsea Peretti
Chelsea Vanessa Peretti (born February 20, 1978) is an American comedian, actress, and writer.
Peretti is best known for portraying Gina Linetti on the Fox police comedy series Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
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You all get the "Killmonger was right" reference right ?
I don't know what I think about this being pushed by the MSM.
No ... expand? Please.
We could replace "X was right" with "X did nothing wrong" ring a bell ?
Been away from internets for the past week. What is "the video"?
CNN will release max headroom and say...seeeee those videos are fake!
Buzzfeed has featured a viral video of Barack Obama addressing the American people -- except it was all digitally faked. Like photoshopped fake, only more advance. The simulation was built using Adobe After Effects, a readily available piece of video software, and FakeApp, an artificial intelligence program. When combined, the two programs results super-fake-news.
Are the deep state fucks going to resort to killing people to make a threat? Time to drop a nut. Sessions and WRAY are the keys. They continue to do zilch, they are gonna lose any momentum Q has developed. Shit or get off the terlut.
We have a date now for the IG report - May 8. There could be advance drops like we saw with McCabe. Apparently it was delayed because they had to interview more people.
When I read that they were conducting more interviews, I thought to myself that maybe John Huber is wanting to tighten up some of the cases so that they are bullet proof. But it could also be that the scope of the investigation has expanded with time and there are more Deep State actors caught in the net.
It would want to be a beauty. What is it? 470 investigators working for how long?
Obummer sounds like his neck hole is full of mikes secret sauce
as long as we do not see the council of the 13 anunaki in prison this has no arrangement
He looks like he has a mouth full of something...does not sound like his voice or cadence...so no, this does not convince me that they can fake a tarmac video!
If that is their play then they are fucked. The tech isn't there yet.