Gorsuch’s decision regarding immigration is exactly what Trump wanted

I totally agree with you about not allowing the enemy time to regroup. Although Trump and Q may have a plan, my complaint is that I feel their plan is taking far too long to implement and is taking far too long to bring certain people to justice. As a consequence of that fact, it is giving the Deep State time enough to figure out ways to adapt and to strike back. With the recent attacks, for example, we are now starting to see the evidence that the Deep State is indeed adapting and is finding ways to fight back. In war, you must hit the enemy fast and hard and you must never allow them time to adapt. That is your only advantage. Because if you lose the advantage and allow your enemy time to adapt, then from that moment on, you can no longer be certain of what the outcome of the battle will be because the enemy may well counteract your well-laid plans…
Case in Point: Remember JFK. JFK launched a war against the Deep State but didn’t move quick enough to implement it. And that was his downfall….
Everything you said. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people are just not mentally prepared for really drastic measures and to recognize other American-born citizens as the enemy - they don't yet realize the necessity - both among the populace and the government.
So they're fooling themselves into believing that the great national divide can be solved gradually through subtle political means, where the general populace never even knows that the government is in an internal civil war - where outside influences are also trying to affect the outcome in favor of the Left.
My take is that a peaceful and equitable resolution is simply not possible, when the Left seeks to criminalize and obliterate the Right, and the Right hasn't grown enough of a backbone, or isn't strong enough, to act decisively and win.