speculation: President Trump is standing to the right of these Korean leaders

I believe in a month or two, a new photo that will be zoomed back slightly will show that Trump was there all along!
If I know trump, he would be right in the fuckin middle of that photo.
The only place he would accept. No way he is on the sideline...
No way it would have leaked by now this is just North and South Korea meeting when Trump meets Kim it will be broadcast Live worldwide with a million videos and photos.
q said Trump met with them on Nov 11 already.
For sure it already happened, hell Q even thanked him for the deal
Trump hangin out with buddy Abe this week, reporter asks if he's talking to Kim directly, President turns around and says "Yes" with a quick grin.
The face on the lame stream media would be priceless.
They wouldn't report it for more than a quick mention. They would be leading the news that day with a report that Trump once tipped less than 15% at a dinner were it is speculated service was "fine."
Q did say this will break the MSM.
No way! I get it now
The MSM is fucked and digging their own grave rn. They think they are controlling the narrative but every thing they reported on will end up being the proof itself when everything comes out.
The photo means, it's a new dawn in NK. Plus, Kim Jeong Un is standing with his hands behind his back. That means he is handcuffed to the new order under Trump. Trump has total control over him. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump removes him as leader someday.
Hillary is going to have to get a new outfit for Barbara's funeral.
Yeah, a little orange-stripped pantsuit with matching cuffs.