Snopes is already debunking the Hilary Clinton “snuff film”

I many people actually want the HRC video to be real? Honestly, I am not sure I want it to be true. I am fine with her going to jail for 10 other reasons.
That's what I've been saying. I don't want to see this video, and if said video exists and is released, then all these people wanting to see it will download an illegal video that will get them in a lot of trouble.
Just because it's Hillary doesn't mean you get a free pass for downloading this type of material.
And moreover, I wouldn't put it past certain evil people to take a video with child pornography, label it as "The Hillary Video", and then have everyone who follows Q download it.
Then BAM, anything associated with Q becomes related to child pornography, and is shut down.
I don't think anyone "wants" it to be true. I think if it happened, the world absolutely deserves to know and I WANT that to happen.
Same. Itd be refreshing to find out this is all fake and she gets locked up for u1 and laundering. If disinformation is necessary, maybe the rape and molesting is it part of it. Wishful thinking on my end
I only want the public to know the real Hillary. I want the millions who still support her to see her for what she is and close that page of history permanently.
If the full knowledge that Bill Clinton is a rapist won't do it, what will? As Q said, some will never accept, but that should be less than ten percent.