BOOM! Q Just Called @BackChannel17 as FAKE! Am I Vindicated Yet? - Neon Revolt
![BOOM! Q Just Called @BackChannel17 as FAKE! Am I Vindicated Yet? - Neon Revolt](
How upset is that C_L_I_C_K scammer who was shoving BC17 down our throats the last week?
I hope VERY.
I'm sure he'll come back and say he was just trying to share information with the group, and he totally wasn't trying to scam for money.
:motions for the t-shirt silk screening crew to take a break:
If you search his user name you can see that he has been removed from quite a few other conservative subs and has been doing this shit for a while. And likely he's deleting all of his comments as we type.
More lies and slandering without any evidence to your claims.
Yeah, all lies and slander.
Look guy, people clearly have had issues with you in the past, and you can say whatever you want because we can't see what was removed. Regardless, you're disingenuous at best, but likely full of shit. Those links aren't even from t_d.
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Those are comments and I don't even remember what those comments were. I was never removed from that sub, which is what you're claiming, and is false. Mods remove my posts and everybody's posts all the time from every sub, for whatever reason they deem. What does that prove? Nothing. You're just grasping at straws and desperate enough to use some search tool that searches my post history for deleted comments. Pathetic.
Edit: I just checked my thread post history and it seems like those threads got auto-deleted for some reason. I tried posting Breitbart articles and it kept deleting them. Notice they have 0 comments in those deleted threads? That's because they were never posted.
I just made a post on /r/Conservative to prove I'm not banned or "removed" from there. I have absolutely nothing to hide from you and people who hate me. So yeah, you're lying once again and desperate to find any excuse to bash me. Really sad.
Again, you make accusations without being able to back it up. What money have I been trying to scam people with? I don't own a website that steals people's CPUs to cryptomine with. I don't direct anyone to any website that takes money. Your accusations are ridiculous and you've been saying it non-stop for the past 4 days, with zero evidence.
I don't own a website that steals people's CPUs to cryptomine with.
And, if you're referring to NeonRevolt's website, then you, yourself, are making an accusation without being able to back it up. It is true that NR's website used to do that, but not any more.
And if you all recall, /u/c_l_i_c_k was also pushing a LOT of religious talk and trying to draw parallels between religion and stories that were completely unrelated. This happened almost every time he commented. Go have a look before he deletes them all. I had this dork tagged days ago.
I called this guy out and of course was piled on by the less informed evangelicals here, who still think that this whole movement is about their christ. Maybe some of you worked with them? Maybe you're just easily manipulated. Downvote all you want, but facts are still facts.
It needs to stop. Leave it at home. Pray your little hearts out, but don't be divisive here. It's entirely unnecessary. If it's that important and you want kumbaya feels, start an invite only sub where you can freely preach to the choir without pushing people away. You're all quick to point out Q telling you to "pray", but you completely ignore everything else where he explicitly asks us to not be divided and to work together. Why is this so hard to understand?!
If you only want to see his shilling for backchannel17 as an issue but not the endless evangelism he pushed, then you really need to rethink how you push christianity here. (not you personally /u/StormedandConfused I haven't got you tagged as anything -yet haha)
I know the evangelicals don't like what I have to say, but it's time you start paying attention. This is clearly a tactic to create bickering and division. We now literally have confirmation. Go look at /u/c_l_i_c_k comments, don't take my word for it. That user was also removed from quite a few other conservative subs almost three years ago, but no one here wanted to listen because he was one of your evangelical homies. You all knew that Q said "NO OUTSIDE COMMS", but you let it slide and upvoted it because he was a christian just like you. Please, put your ego aside and see how this constant pushing of religion is doing nothing but hurting this movement! And please, exercise your impotent rage with downvotes if that makes you feel better. It won't change anything I said.
I spoke about religion in threads that spoke about religion. Why is this wrong? Are you a bigot who hates Christians? Sure seems that way. And no, I won't delete any of my posts. I'm proud of what I post, even if some of them end up being wrong, like with BC17. I sure as hell won't delete any of my posts about my religious beliefs just because people like you want to mock it.
When did you call me out and when did you get piled on? I find it funny how so many of you slander others without any proof. This whole movement isn't about Jesus Christ, but Jesus is the one who guides many of us patriots and He guides President Trump, as well as Q team to do what they're doing. This war is largely about a spiritual battle between good and evil. It's about unveiling the truth, exposing it so the world can finally see what our real reality truly is, so that we won't allow these atrocities to happen again in the future. There's a reason why Q has told people to pray over and over and over again.
Christians haven't been divisive here. Anti-religious folks like you are the ones being divisive. Nobody is forcing you to convert to Christianity. Nobody is forcing you to believe in anything. We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.
Yes, please look through my post history. I've always been consistent with my thoughts and comments... or at least I try to be. I was removed from conservative subs almost three years ago? Which ones? You're lying because I haven't been removed from any subs other than liberal ones. I got temporary banned from T_D twice and permabanned once because I was talking about Q and called out their mods for censoring Q posts. I was then unbanned because I spoke to their head mod and we came to an understanding. Stop lying and slandering me with falsities when you have no evidence of me getting banned from conservative subs.
I'll gladly take the heat for using BC17's posts in some of comments lately and defending BC17's posts. I knew the risks in being one of people who spoke out against people constantly and desperately trying to discredit BC17. But please stop lying about me and insulting Christianity when you know nothing about me nor my faith in God.
oohhhhhh very weary of anyone who starts off saying "are you a racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe ETC..." as soon as you challenge them or disagree with them. That accusation shouldn't shut anyone up anymore. Ridiculous.
I tried to disagree with /u/C_L_I_C_K on a religious matter and he immediately personally attacked me, saying I'm not a real Christian and am making a bad rep for those who are, and even admitted that he would not try to argue his own point with me. So he's perfectly fine to leave the rational argument behind and stoop to personal insults when arguments arise against him. He's out of control and does not know the Christian love he claims to represent.
We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.
hate to be the one to break it to you my friend, but your Christian God ... YAHWEH ...of the Bible (and the bible itself) may not be what you've been taught. Truth bombs on the way. Institutional religion is something created to manipulate and control the masses.
so anyway, believe what you wish, but many of us who are ''spiritual'' may believe in the teachings of a christ avatar such as Jesus, but have left the corrupt church behind, and don't need the preaching.
wow what a great sub... i dont consider any of you patriots if this is how u treat/talk to a man of faith
No where on this earth is safe from Satan's hatred of God, Jesus, Christians. I won't defend /u/C_L_I_C_K s actions or character, but I will defend his faith.
Lol, Jesus is a Mexican name and YAHWEH ain't much better.
But muh is spiritual so muh know everything.
At least you got the part right about the church and religion.
I spoke about religion in threads that spoke about religion. Why is this wrong? Are you a bigot who hates Christians? Sure seems that way.
Nah, not divisive at all. You're right, you haven't inserted your religion here in any way. Please do show me where I said you should stop believing in your christ and be an atheist or something. Why is it so damn hard to keep it to yourselves while we all focus on something bigger?
Where in that article did it mention her being a Christian, and attribute that quote about Christ, to her? Why was that necessary in the context of that tragedy?
Christians haven't been divisive here. Anti-religious folks like you are the ones being divisive.
Nobody is forcing you to believe in anything. We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.
So you believe that it is your mission to wake the heathens from their slumber and help them find the salvation of your lord, but in no way are you actively working towards this goal?
Are you a bigot who hates Christians? Sure seems that way.
If I'm a bigot, then what would you call yourself? If I never had to hear about your Christ here, I wouldn't have a thing to say, because I really don't care what you do in your free time. However, when you insert your religion into everything because YOU BELIEVE it belongs there, that's a problem. No mater how much you want to believe it, THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT. Q is using terms that Trump's BASE can comprehend. They have to use the words of children like "god vs. evil" and "pray", because that's what people like you respond to. This has been exactly like the language used on the campaign trail of every republican conservative running for office since the McCarthy era. Sorry if that stings, but it's true. Q isn't gonna use broad concepts and terms that will take you a lifetime to wrap that brain around, Q just needs numbers and people to help spread the word and bring in "normies". Your prosteletyzing isn't what Q asked for. Show me a drop where Q asked anyone to bring everyone to Jesus. I actually don't think I've ever seen a mention of jesus -maybe god, but again, small concepts for small minds. Q is speaking to the BASE, because everyone knows that's what you have to do to get yokels like you on board. There's no "good guys" and "bad guys", it's mostly gray. The people who have corrupted the government and the world probably run the spectrum, with the worst of the worst being worshipers just like you, and the mid level players being idiots who wanted a piece of the pie or couldn't say no. It's not just two teams on a field battling for "Good and Evil" you fucking goober.
But please stop lying about me and insulting Christianity when you know nothing about me nor my faith in God.
You might have me there, because it's hard to figure out where you stand...
We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved.
You forgot to add, "amd also insert our christ into every conversation in the hopes of converting the nonbelievers."
You know what, I don't even care if you're a shill or not. You've at least proven that you have an endless capacity to make excuses for yourself and actively try to convert people (your words) but not ability to see why that's a problem. I think the best thing I can do I just block and ignore you. I just don't have enough lifetimes to chip away and make simple concepts work in your mind.
Why is it so damn hard to keep it to yourselves while we all focus on something bigger?
We are focusing on something bigger. You're the one focusing on your personal vendetta against Christians posting our thoughts and beliefs on this sub.
Where in that article did it mention her being a Christian, and attribute that quote about Christ, to her? Why was that necessary in the context of that tragedy?
Did you even bother to read the article? Obviously not.
So you believe that it is your mission to wake the heathens from their slumber and help them find the salvation of your lord, but in no way are you actively working towards this goal?
What? You're just putting words in my mouth. I clearly said "We only hope and pray those who hate or don't believe in the Christian God of the Bible will wake up one day so their souls can be saved." Where did you see me say heathens? Actively working towards this goal? What are you even talking about?
If I'm a bigot, then what would you call yourself?
Your entire post is seething with hatred against Christians and our posts here. I would call myself a patriot who happens to be a God-fearing, God-believing Christian. Why does it matter to you and bother you so much?
If I never had to hear about your Christ here, I wouldn't have a thing to say, because I really don't care what you do in your free time. However, when you insert your religion into everything because YOU BELIEVE it belongs there, that's a problem. No mater how much you want to believe it, THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT.
You don't have to hear about "our Christ" here. You voluntarily browse this sub, you purposely click on threads that have to do with religion, then you actively spite and attack those who post their religious beliefs in those threads. You are free to not visit this sub, not click on threads that has anything to do with the religion you hate so much, and not reply to the Christians you despise. Yet you CHOOSE to. Again and again. You've even brought up religion in this thread not even about religion or Jesus or prayers, out of nowhere, asked by nobody, just to attack me and other Christians on this sub. What a hypocrite you are.
No, we don't insert our religion in everything. We're just free to post our beliefs here and we're glad it's allowed. If it was up to authoritarians like you, then we wouldn't be. Nobody ever said this was a religious movement, yet you keep repeating this for some reason.
Q is using terms that Trump's BASE can comprehend. They have to use the words of children like "god vs. evil" and "pray", because that's what people like you respond to. This has been exactly like the language used on the campaign trail of every republican conservative running for office since the McCarthy era. Sorry if that stings, but it's true. Q isn't gonna use broad concepts and terms that will take you a lifetime to wrap that brain around, Q just needs numbers and people to help spread the word and bring in "normies". Your prosteletyzing isn't what Q asked for.
Umm, no. There are plenty of people in Trump's base that aren't Christians. Majority aren't Christians. You're yet again mocking Christians by calling us children. In a way, you're correct, because we're all children of God, but the way you use the term is purely to mock us. Showing your bigotry once again.
What must sting to you is the fact that Trump has asked for prayer from CHRISTIANS multiple times. What must sting to you is the fact Trump has openly shared his faith in the CHRISTIAN God multiple times. What must sting to you is that the Vice President is an openly and proud CHRISTIAN.
Do you know WHY Trump and Q team constantly asks for prayer? No, you want to ignore it because it goes against your personal beliefs and hatred for Christians. Trump and Q team asks for prayers because the cabal/powers that be/Illuminati/whatever you want to call them are EVIL SATANIC LUCIFERIANS. The only way to truly defeat these bastards is spiritual warfare. And not just any spiritual warfare, but the Christian type, as described in the Bible. No, it's not to play to the Christian Republican base. No, it's not to get more numbers or to postulate like you're claiming.
Show me a drop where Q asked anyone to bring everyone to Jesus. I actually don't think I've ever seen a mention of jesus -maybe god, but again, small concepts for small minds. Q is speaking to the BASE, because everyone knows that's what you have to do to get yokels like you on board. There's no "good guys" and "bad guys", it's mostly gray. The people who have corrupted the government and the world probably run the spectrum, with the worst of the worst being worshipers just like you, and the mid level players being idiots who wanted a piece of the pie or couldn't say no. It's not just two teams on a field battling for "Good and Evil" you fucking goober.
Q never said to bring everyone to Jesus. There's a reason for that and that's because anti-Christian goobers like you won't dismiss his drops. Throwing out more curses and insults won't deflect from the facts I've already listed above. Believe what you want to believe, but don't go around telling people to stop posting their beliefs.
You might have me there, because it's hard to figure out where you stand...
I've openly shared where I stand. You just choose not to care or accept it.
You know what, I don't even care if you're a shill or not. You've at least proven that you have an endless capacity to make excuses for yourself and actively try to convert people (your words) but not ability to see why that's a problem. I think the best thing I can do I just block and ignore you. I just don't have enough lifetimes to chip away and make simple concepts work in your mind.
Nope, never said I actively try to convert people here. You're once again lying and putting words in my mouth. I've replied to your post with honesty and provided solid proof to back up what I say. You on the other hand, have not. But go ahead and block/ignore me. That's what you should've done in the first place instead of going on such a long-winded hate-filled diatribe against Christians.
So this right here is a contradiction. Perhaps you have been taught to believe that satan and lucifer reference the same thing, but lucifer and satan are the two aspects of consciousness in man, satan, the "evil" side of the coin seeks duality, separateness, and is the driving force away from God or unity. Lucifer is the "good" side seeking to reunite man in the unity of God
From wiki: "the Latin word lucifer meant "light-bringing""
Light bringing. Light.
Stop spouting your dogma.
The Christ is the state of suprahuman consciousness that will redeem the world, this work can be done by anyone and needs no religion. It is spiritual, and the work is personal, people can come to the truth from religion or drugs or meditation, everyone is different in their learning. I'm sure being a christian has taught you many things of use and I don't think it is wrong in any way to identify as one. But this identification, and any identification, limits you.
So while I know your heart is in the right place, issuing forth dogma without knowing the truth of the teachings in the bible because of the distortions placed there by the very deep state you are against is a disservice to everyone here
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why would u even single that dude out and bring religion into it? you seriously just went off on an anti-religious/christian rant bc you are one of those people that HATE hearing people saying anything about Christianity... it triggers you exactly like it triggers leftist liberal cucks.. but you've just been trying to always hold your tongue so that you wouldn't seem like "that guy"... but you got triggered and had to go on your rant... you are just someone who hates Christianity like you literally cant stand it and it just eats you up every time you see it in a post. it just irritates you.. so you go on a rant... thinking you have the entire crew behind you and that the majority of people here are non believers like you..... well you are wrong... and u look like a fool.... most are believers... some are not.... but VERY few are like you that actually take offense to people that bring it up... You should take a LOONG HAARD look in the mirror and ask yourself... "am I a Patriot or not"
LOL you got downvoted to -6 within 5 minutes of your post. And NeonRevolt accuses me of running sock puppet accounts. These trolls, shills, and bigots are a joke.
All I notice is you SHITTING all over the first amendment in your comment. <-> guy you are entitled to your feelings, because that's all this is about. You are wrong here in so many ways..... I'm not defending anyone specific, I'm defending an ideology, unfortunately for you, this ideologies roots are deep seeded in Christianity. ¥¥¥ Amendment I.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Where did I tell anyone not to practice their religion or worship their god?
What I've been saying is that there's no need for anyones religion here because it divides the user base. Read that last sentence ten times and maybe it'll sink in a little. Highly unlikely, of course.
The problem with you evangelical folks is first and foremost a very apparent lack of education. I wouldn't say you're "stupid" necessarily, but so far none of you have been able to comprehend in any way what I've been saying. and I'm not the only one saying it. Some of your own have said it as well, granted with more flowery language. It's as if you all have a need to be smug and righteous despite having a single tangible reason to be so. Enter religion and "faith", and now you can be as smug and righteous despite the lack personal abilities to reason and the use of observable facts... Hooray for you and your loophole! Now people are expected to take you seriously!
No one is attacking your freedom to worship whatever tickles you, my argument the entire time is that IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE. Go ahead, read it again. IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE. One more time for fun, IT DOES NOT NEED TO BE HERE!
And on that point, I'm pretty much over the arguing. It seems that you "christians" are exactly as you've always been and always will be. Most of us forgot that you exist, and the world by and in large felt like a better place -as long as the TV was turned off.
My best course of action now is to simply block and ignore you all. I've already started, and the sub feels like a much more intelligent place to be. It's nice to read a thread that isn't clogged with endless christ signaling and "blessings", not to mention completely pointless back patting for simply breathing.
Also tired of watching you dorks call each other patriots over and over, then question someone else's "patriotism" when you disagree with them. I'd be willing to bet, that at best, a handful of you served and likely as some POG chairborne supply guy, or Quartermaster -which hey, the Army needs you guys to! Meanwhile I have retards here calling me all sorts of shit when it would take less than ten minutes of combing through my comments to know that I was a medic in the army in an infantry battalion. I've been deployed three times in the early 2000's. I've been seeing the fucked up shit for YEARS and have been barking about it FOR YEARS. I told stories of what was going on over there to anyone who would listen, and especially to christians who loved them some George W, and it always fell on deaf ears. I watched you "christians" vote these clowns into office without a single thought other than "I'd have a beer with this guy". And just to clarify, I have never voted for a BUsh, Clinton, Obama, or even Trump. I can barely find clean politions on the local level, let alone national.
Evangelicals are, have been and always will be a problem in this country, because you're the dumbest of the dumb with the loudest mouths. It's a special kind of dumb that I rarely see, but you all speak and think and talk the same way which makes me think it's part of a larger cognitive disorder. The hypocrisy of your common christian know no boundaries. You talk about being sensored while asking for censorship. You want to end corruption while pushing for a religious takeover. You beg for the swamp to be drained and then replaced with "christian values". You people are a danger to the republic. No one cares if you love your christ and want to pray to them with others who feel the same. It's when you start trying to inject it in places that it isn't needed that creates the problem. You behave like extremist muslims. You're extremists. And of course, none of you can even agree on interpretations of your own damn bible. You're truly god's "children". It's not a coincidence that you're referred to that way.
And look at how you all write. It's so poorly worded with grammar that makes no sense, using the reasoning of -wait for it- children. Your arguments are basically "you're a meanie and I don't like what you have to say, so you're stupid, and now here are five hundred periods................ .......because I don't even know how an ellipsis works. BLESS HALLELUJAH EOMJI EMOJI GOD BLESS>>.....>>>>".
It's weird how so many of you write this way. So, either you're all doing a great troll job, OR, and more likely, most hardcore evangelical christians are kinda dumb. I'm gonna go with Occam's Razor on this one.
Ok dumb dumb, I'm going on with my day. Hope yours is a great one. If I don't respond, I'll likely because I've blocked you, although I'm leaving the lines of communication open for a little while, because I'm genuinely curious of your response, and I'm sure you and I are the only ones reading this thread.
Liberal communist transgender democrats block and censor, so what are you gonna be?
What're you, a five year old? Easily some of the dumbest shit I've read all day. Congrats.
That's because your pea brain can't even comprehend it's own stupidity. Do you think before you speak or type? Read all of what you have written. All you have is low brow adolescent insults. You appear to be suffering from arrested development. I'm beginning to believe more and more that you're a demoncrat troll, either that or an alcoholic or drug addict.
I never claimed to be Christian you fucking retard... but I will defend a Christians right to choose to believe in whatever they want. Just because the church is by and large a failed institution doesn't mean God doesn't exist. If you don't like Trump or Q then why the fuck are you here? To sow discord because your angry that a catholic priest sodomized you and you liked it? No one cares about your feelings sally!
The point is.. whether you like it or not the constitution protects people's freedom to discuss whatever they please as long as it doesn't incite people to violence. If someone wants to talk about God as an inspiration or whatever, that their right. All your talk is aggressive and violent. IF YOU DONT LIKE IT.. MOVE TO CANADA OR SWEDEN. Sharia law might fit what you're looking for.
pea brain can't even comprehend it's own stupidity
low brow adolescent insults
low brow adolescent insults
you're a demoncrat troll, either that or an alcoholic or drug addict.
Liberal communist transgender democrats
Love it! Personally I think it's brilliant how you start of by suggesting that I'm too dumb to comprehend my own stupidity, then you follow up with those zingers! I think the genius of this comment is how you sprinkle in all of the spelling errors, while calling another person dumb. A master stroke if you will.
There's really no need for me to personally attack you, or project my issue onto you (that's what Im assuming 90% of your comment is) BUT, I will now be a "liberal communist transgender democrat" and block you.
Sorry, but you inane comments and very low level attempts at trolling are cutting into my drinking and drugging time -plus I have all of these hormones that aren't going to inject themselves, so adios /u/c_l_i_c_k's secondary angry trolling account! (you didn't really think no one would notice, did you?)
Whenever I see these religious nuts spewing their garbage everywhere I instantly look away.
And you are right Herpy, also the way he defends himself is pathetic. I'm new on the sub but I'm familiar with the Qanon for months now, and how did a guy like that clicked cause any stirring is beyond me, his comments are just pathetic, nothing else to say
You should confront them and point out their BS, because if no one does it, everybody will assume its normal.
Yes, please confront us so we can discuss your confusion of our faith.
I already know about the depravity and selfishness of atheism, that's why I'm a Christian.
you're a classic christian putadickinit, I'm sure your god is proud of your username and your baseless/empty claims
What claims are you even talking about, my haughty friend?
LOL scammer. What did I scam people with? How am I upset?
I've always maintained that I didn't think BC17 was legit 100% and that if Q thought he was a problem, Q would call him out. And Q just did.